what are you talking about? Star Trek Enterprise rocked! especially the extremely poor taste hijacking of 9/11!!
what are you talking about? Star Trek Enterprise rocked! especially the extremely poor taste hijacking of 9/11!!
it was like they took the most superficial and stupid aspects of religion, and used them to explain sudden unrealistic changes in the universe! FRAKKING BRILLIANT!
yeah, one is retarded and the other is extremely poor writing.
Poochie died on his way back to his home planet.
Caprica was an awsome shows, wrapped in a crappy show.
exactly! he even wore a condom. TURTLE POWER!!
you make a good point. Michael Bay should make a movie where the Nazi's were aliens.
he's not sodomizing them. He's aiming for TANT, not taint!
and then he'll fire the guy he told to fire the first guy!
i didnt have time to read the title. They're going to shoot WHAT onto Ashton Kutchers face?
dont be mad, Topher Grace is actually Jeff Goldblums penis.
we did, but it was removed.
ah dude! i would almost pay to pirate this if it were leaked!
just get high dude, and pay $8 for a 24g bag of skittles when you see it.
they turned professor X into a skittles commercial!!
if it wasnt for the south owning slaves, John Carter would not have been made in the first place
just because Disney wont sink another $250,000,000 into a sequal, doesent mean you cant call your buddies and film your own!