Meadow Enthusiast

Fucked up my 18-year ban last month when I was far from home late at night, starving and nothing else was open. That $1 double-chee was the most pitiful "food" item I have ever seen, but I ate it anyway. And the pain started almost immediately, as though every molecule in my body was going to war with this invading

Fucked up my 18-year ban last month when I was far from home late at night, starving and nothing else was open. That $1 double-chee was the most pitiful "food" item I have ever seen, but I ate it anyway. And the pain started almost immediately, as though every molecule in my body was going to war with this invading



People tend to be sensitive about their kinks so I'm sure there is a close eye being kept on the AVC rabble-rousers, with great big bloody banhammers at the ready.

People tend to be sensitive about their kinks so I'm sure there is a close eye being kept on the AVC rabble-rousers, with great big bloody banhammers at the ready.

HDB eats shoots and leaves.

HDB eats shoots and leaves.

I just planted a dogwood tree. Should I be upset?

I just planted a dogwood tree. Should I be upset?

I have no opinion about her glasses.

I have no opinion about her glasses.

Nicely done!

Nicely done!

Moderator: please change my username to Brad Pitt's Zombie Pile. TIA

Moderator: please change my username to Brad Pitt's Zombie Pile. TIA

I want a movie with zombies riding mopeds.
That's scary fast.

I want a movie with zombies riding mopeds.
That's scary fast.