Meadow Enthusiast

Ack Ack: The lepton shavings react adversely with fermions and may create a supermassive black hole, so everyone should take a few microseconds to say goodbye to your loved ones and I'll see you all on the other side.

Ack Ack: The lepton shavings react adversely with fermions and may create a supermassive black hole, so everyone should take a few microseconds to say goodbye to your loved ones and I'll see you all on the other side.

E. Buzz: When you retrieve anomalous ice cubes from the freezer, they are ice cubes. But then they change into something unexpected everytime you look at them, like a fully grown California Redwood tree, a kilt made of bowling balls, or a fishmato (½ fish, ½ tomato).

E. Buzz: When you retrieve anomalous ice cubes from the freezer, they are ice cubes. But then they change into something unexpected everytime you look at them, like a fully grown California Redwood tree, a kilt made of bowling balls, or a fishmato (½ fish, ½ tomato).

That stuff is like crack; a few spoonfuls in your morning orange juice, sprinkled over ice cream and ketchup, or straight out of the bag.

That stuff is like crack; a few spoonfuls in your morning orange juice, sprinkled over ice cream and ketchup, or straight out of the bag.

That was a thing of beauty, especially when it was called for Obama, and the Fox screen showed half Obama/Chicago going nuts at the announcement, and the other half Rove talking over the celebration, still insisting Ohio is up for grabs.

That was a thing of beauty, especially when it was called for Obama, and the Fox screen showed half Obama/Chicago going nuts at the announcement, and the other half Rove talking over the celebration, still insisting Ohio is up for grabs.

Pan-dimensionally delicious!
1 ½ cups bloviated cornmeal
2 cups all-purpose floor
2 ½ cups whole mulk
1 lb. cumin
2 tsp. Olive Oyl™ brand coconut oil
3 oz. powdered unicorn fingers
¾ cup food
2 milligrams anti-matter
4 oz. Bose-Einstein condensate
2 Tbsp. Higgs boson particles

Pan-dimensionally delicious!
1 ½ cups bloviated cornmeal
2 cups all-purpose floor
2 ½ cups whole mulk
1 lb. cumin
2 tsp. Olive Oyl™ brand coconut oil
3 oz. powdered unicorn fingers
¾ cup food
2 milligrams anti-matter
4 oz. Bose-Einstein condensate
2 Tbsp. Higgs boson particles

It's going to be entertaining watching the GOP furiously backpedaling from all the "unskewed poll" nonsense (which turned out to be 100% wrong), then use the same tactic in 2016. Nate Silver nailed it, as usual, and the Rep strategy seemed to be "we make our own reality". As recently as this afternoon, Dick Morris

It's going to be entertaining watching the GOP furiously backpedaling from all the "unskewed poll" nonsense (which turned out to be 100% wrong), then use the same tactic in 2016. Nate Silver nailed it, as usual, and the Rep strategy seemed to be "we make our own reality". As recently as this afternoon, Dick Morris

I'm sure his pet unicorn got him to class on time, though.

I'm sure his pet unicorn got him to class on time, though.

How genius is that?

How genius is that?

The best part of your post was when I got to the end and no one had been raped by a necro-robot.

The best part of your post was when I got to the end and no one had been raped by a necro-robot.

