Meadow Enthusiast


He said Franco, not LaBoeuf.

He said Franco, not LaBoeuf.

@alurin If McG puts that scene in his next disasterpiece, all is forgiven.

@alurin If McG puts that scene in his next disasterpiece, all is forgiven.

Suddenly I'm hungry for a chalupa.

Suddenly I'm hungry for a chalupa.

Ha ha, fooled you both! I hate meadows and I'm unmarried.
My real last name is Superdonkey.

Ha ha, fooled you both! I hate meadows and I'm unmarried.
My real last name is Superdonkey.

I have a very common last name too, and I'm going to name my son Thesaurus.

I have a very common last name too, and I'm going to name my son Thesaurus.

Ou est le biblioteque?

Ou est le biblioteque?

Perfect avatar/content combo.

Perfect avatar/content combo.

As private parts to the gods are we; they play with us for their sport.

As private parts to the gods are we; they play with us for their sport.

But that was back when she was young and hungry (youngry?) and hadn't yet begun to believe her own hype.

But that was back when she was young and hungry (youngry?) and hadn't yet begun to believe her own hype.

It is the bane of my life also, but at least it's a constant high-pitched whine and not Bieber.