Meadow Enthusiast

Pan-seared pea snaps or GTFO.

Jazz schmazz.

Jazz schmazz.

Anderson Cooper 180

Anderson Cooper 180

How would you like me to twist your body into funny balloon animal shapes?

How would you like me to twist your body into funny balloon animal shapes?

Please do yourself an enormous favor and DO NOT look up Brokencyde.

Please do yourself an enormous favor and DO NOT look up Brokencyde.

Julius Grab-Her Quickly-Before-She Runs-And-Gets-Away.

Julius Grab-Her Quickly-Before-She Runs-And-Gets-Away.

I never thought "Dr. Chase Meridian" would ever be outdone.

I never thought "Dr. Chase Meridian" would ever be outdone.

Korine seems intent on self-sabotage by way of indie-cred implosion.

Korine seems intent on self-sabotage by way of indie-cred implosion.

Fried Egg!
Fried Egg!
Gotta get down on fried egg!

Fried Egg!
Fried Egg!
Gotta get down on fried egg!

Objection! Stupid hat!

Objection! Stupid hat!

I can appreciate their music, but I cannot get past the singer sounding like an asthmatic trapped in a raging house fire.