Meadow Enthusiast

NBC would have shown unflappable confidence by using Comic Sans.

GeoCities and Angelfire 4 Lyfe

"There is not enough space in the garage for your Exercycle."


Mr. Sheen, you are undeservedly the highest-paid actor on television, living a supernova lifestyle that is completely at odds with the morals of your core audience. Yet, you not only persevere, you THRIVE.

Where exactly is Emilio during all this jiggery-pokery?
NOWHERE, that's where.

Egyptian ass; very dangerous.

Q: If my head were veal, which I know it is not, how much would it be worth?
A: Fifty-four dollars.

I had no idea there was such a thing as breast cancer until I saw one of those little pink ribbons. Now I am against cancer.

"C'mon Edge, play the blues!"

Flaubert, it's time we all learned to embrace our crapsackular tendencies,
like when the morbidly obese are told to "accept who they are" rather than diet and exercise.

One of the most confounding bands ever. Years ago I stumbled on a live video of the most horrible song I ever heard. So much so that I memorized the name: Deerhoof. Stay far away from anything to do with Deerhoof.


Weinstein in a motherfather chinese dentist.

Hey, I used to play bass for Orange Column of Uselessness.

Pac-Man. It's pronounced Pac-Man.

Disappointed with the plot synopsis
My dream of a film about a man with a potato for a penis remains unfulfilled.

Number Thirteen: the naughty bits of a horse.

1% is well beyond when you have investors to convince.

If you missed the two squads of competitive breakdancers getting in a ful-scale brawl at the barracks, it must have been because you were distracted by all the boring character development in the foreground.