
Not even close to the first time; they were playing stuff off The Bends (including…The Bends) in 1993. I've got a very poor quality VHS bootleg of a show in Oxford which opens with it.

Another band that has covered Rhinestone Cowboy: Radiohead. They also did a killer version of Nobody Does It Better back in the day. I have never understood the 'Radiohead has no sense of humour' meme.

So did every single person in the U.K. Seriously, find me a house anywhere in the British Isles without a Trainspotting O.S.T. CD (or two!).

Don't forget 'just say the word'.

It's 'medevac'. As in, 'medical evacuation'. It's not a vacuum cleaner.

Point. I somehow put Ghibli and 'anime' in different mental boxes, sometimes…so I missed that. But absolutely agreed.

Anime's an interesting place to go, actually, as so much of even the really great stuff is riddled with padding and filler episodes. Restricting the field to those series which are perfect 13 or 26 episode arcs is fun.

Right on. I mean, we're watching Archer for the jokes, right? The jokes were funny. I don't really care about the plot. It was straight up hilarious.

you, uh, realize this is a cellphone video and the sound is all over the place, right?

Note to overly-pontificacious A.V. Club journalists: six years ago is not 'an era'.

I saw Sara Bareilles supporting Aqualung (surely some label randomness) back in 2007. She was sweet, talented and fantastic, she has a lifetime pass from me, and I registered an akshul avclub account (I used to post with openid back when it was allowed) just to post this. It's kind of sad she's got written off as