
Seriously. "Why are bad things happening to good characters?" Because it's a drama.

The Asha Greyjoy storyline hasn't been dropped. They showed her in trailers for this season.

That's one approach!

I wonder how Rory will respond to his new roided up look.

Hey, say what you will about Cabin Fever (new or old), but Rider Strong wasn't just "blandly attractive."

Wait, we're supposed to read the intros now? Sheesh!

I was hoping to see him comment on his fantastic performance as George Washington in HBO's John Adams, but really, the guy's got so many great roles that I wasn't surprised to see this one not covered. Great interview.

I adore this show, but this is one of my least favorite episodes. I actually find it a little too hateful, and that diminishes its humor.

What a libelous thing to suggest of the author who fills his fantasy epic with gratuitous rape, torture, S&M sex, libertarian political philosophy, and anti-abortion messaging.

Of all the injustices inflicted upon women in our society, I think the "no pockets for you" rule must be one of the worst. I can't imagine how I'd get through life with no pockets.

Seconded. That is a fantastic series.

"Ladies, please pose in a way that let's us see your ass and tits at the same time."

Don't forget the anti-abortion screeds, too.

I'll give Brooks credit, also — while his first book was a total ripoff and the next two weren't a lot better, he did eventually start doing some interesting things with the world he created. The Heritage of Shannara series was quite good, with some much more interesting and varied protagonists.

The President only has the power to pardon those convicted of federal crimes. Avery was not convicted of a federal crime. So this is pretty dumb, even as far as petitions go.

Kilgrave is just an elaborate prank set up by Gary.

True story: I only know of Marciano because of his appearance in Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire.

Eric Clapton may be a fascist, but the dude can still play a mean guitar.

Full House was one of the very worst 90s sitcoms, and that's a decade that knows from terrible sitcoms. Why this of all things is being rebooted is beyond my capability for understanding.

There's a river in Delaware called the Murderkill. That's always amused me.