
As Marla Daniels notes, "the game is rigged, but you cannot lose if you do not play."

The Superman movies don't ALWAYS fall back on Luthor or Zod. Remember, the order goes: Luthor, Zod, Richard Pryor, Luthor, Luthor, Zod, Luthor.


I remember back when A&E was the network I'd flip to for stuff like Horatio Hornblower or Lorna Doone miniseries or reruns of NewsRadio. It is still kind of shocking to me how trashy that network has become.

As did I. The game looked interesting, but as a (sigh) grown-up, I have a limited amount of time to allocate to game-playing, and there are more than enough interesting-looking games out there that I can be picky about what I play. Gamergate is gross, and the key developer behind this game espousing support for it

It's quite puzzling. I can't figure out why their arms are up like that. It really does look like they're performing a dance. The Hustle, maybe?

Upvoted for name-dropping the two best Klingons ever.

Me too. I find Dr. Crusher incredibly bland and boring. Pulaski was a breath of fresh air on the show. She brought actual personality, humor, and she was actually fun.

DS9 also managed it well because when they had episodes with the children, they weren't creating Kids' Themed Episodes like in TNG (with Wesley and Alexander) or Voyager (with Naomi Wildman). So it wasn't "Let's explore a storybook-themed holodeck program," or "Let's explore a western-themed holodeck program," or

"the fan-favorite Klingon character Alexander Rozhenko"

My understanding is the main reason she's held in such esteem as an heiress, unlike her deadbeat relatives, is that she actually makes bank on her own.

You're right, that changes the meaning significantly. Thanks for clarifying.

I was going to say that that line was really damning Julianne Moore with faint praise (and if the worst you can say about a no-name actress is that Julianne Moore is better, that's not so bad), but you make a good point about Wahlberg.

Go tell O Shag Hennessy what you've done.

It was just juvie.

I'm also a fan of Bill confronting the nude Joe at the end, and saying re: the flowers (with perfect delivery) "I guess these are for you.

Maybe you! Maybe you!

The man so nice, they named him twice.

So what's the best recurring gag on the show? Some nominees:
• Catherine slapping her coworkers
• "Your name is Garelli?"
• Jimmy hitting on Dave's mom.
• Matthew and his D&D/Frodo songs.
• The quick-cut to the ambulance stock footage

Joe: You're supposed to go into Dave's office and ask him for a new chair.
Lisa: Oh, I don't know, Dave's been really uptight about the budget lately.
Joe: Well, I'm sure he could make a special exception for you.
Lisa: What's that supposed to mean?
Joe: Come on, you know, whenever you need something, all you got to do is