The Pizza Monster

PS I liked Infinite Crisis too, they shoulda quit while they were ahead

Well put Punch.
DT they did include the Superman 3D(I think that IS the title) story in the TPB out this week, which annoys me further as I missed it when it was out and I guess they realize it's important to the narrative now(see my complaint above).

Final Crisis was terrible. How this guy(GM) just came off of All Star Superman and then this crap is beyond me. And his Batman and Robin: awesome, love it. It's like a completely different writer on Final Crisis. I love his stuff usually and I enjoy high brow esoteric sci fi but this was a slap to the readers. It

Anybody see Shatner on Conan?
Ugh. He needs rehab I hate to say. Unless he was reliving the "The Deadly Years" trial scenes. In that case: METHOD ACTING GENIUS

Will this album be as good as her classic …
… "Butterface"?

Also, thanks again for the great write up Zach. And I agree about that moment when the Companion/Hedford looks through her veil. I always found it very touching, it was my first memory of the episode as I was reading it so it was nice to see it get a shout at the bottom of the article.

Best Kirk Dust-Up?
Kirk fighting that (fake) Andorian in the hallway was KICKASS. The way we see it already in progress is pretty jarring. Then he gets shivved?! Who ever got the drop on Kirk?! Khan in ST2 and THIS guy?? Damn space IS cold.

Spock is getting a little fresh with me, yes. And I didn't tell him to stop.

I think they trade for valuable stuff, like dilithium, android butlers, and Orion slave girls. What more do you need really?

Damn these pizza-esque typing limbs….
Long LIST of to-dos

Didn't Mudd have a three-peat in the Animated Series?
I'd love to see that on your long lis of to-do's, Zach. My buddy has the set and swears by it, essentially its season 4(they had scripts expecting a fourth season.. those poor fools).

Richelieu Jr., we come in a box that says
You've Tried The Best
(insert picture of Neelix throwing spinning dough in air)
Now Fry Like The Rest

Jammer, you just made Chief Engineer. Thanks pal.
John Barleycorn, my avatar is the Pizza Monster and Spock ruined the picture trying to get all up in my motivations for killing miners and red shirts. That's MY biz. [looks at burned holes in floor, shakes rock- like mass] ha

Brett- Great review man.
Murray- I knew what they were trying to do but it was overkill.
Richelieu- Wow for such a great creative mind he sounds like a idiot, doesn't he?


And also on Matt Decker…
Also I'm trying to get a snippet of Kirk talking to Matt Decker in TDM, "Matt, we need you! Don't do it!!"(paraphrased) so I can make it my ringtone. Yes it's my name and that'd drive all the chicks WILD when they hear that…. won't it?

… at the Ziegfield in Manhattan. Ladies and gents this movie kicks ALOT of ass. The opening scene was epic, as was the space jump, Kirk getting his hands dirty, old school. Easily the best action movie in a long time, sci fi or otherwise.

I hope Pike has a better fate other than the blinking lightbox.

Watching that awesome clip again, during the fight, when the Lirpa and the gong* break, is Kirk like "Wow Spock's crazy" or was it more Shatner ad-libbing because they weren't supposed to break, and he was thinking more like, "Wow and they promised the prop department more money this season… but…I'm still…. Bill….

JBMD is hot on the trail.