
"Florida: America's Racist Bone"

To be fair, the fact that capitalism preys on minority workers, (especially undocumented immigrants) isn't your grandmother's fault.

Also his ranty, ridiculous, unhinged, and borderline nonsensical reviews compared to, I don't know, the way you're supposed to write about things.

Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever was given an F by Libby Hill and a Community Grade of B+, which has to be the biggest critic-to-reader disparity on the site, right?

Instead of "Body of Christ" the priest will say "Sit, Ubu, sit!"

Oh, I read about them in Time magazine!

To continue being pedantic, why does the title have an exclamation point after the "Oh" and no further punctuation? Shouldn't it be a comma after the "Oh" with an exclamation point at the end?
If not, then what does the title truly mean? Is someone sitting there, surprised by a heavenly dog, shouts an interjection,

Yes, it's called Fetch

Honestly, @avclub-82d03d1d7e84fc3300a266bc7aaa46b3:disqus probably could have left out "a", "year", and "old" and we still would have gotten it.

Right, jealousy, so they emulate it. That's what I was saying… well except for the "garbage" part.

Also, the user-generated content really dilutes the point. Some of these are "Someone once told me a story about someone who…" or vague "Someone implied that women can't direct action". Like there is a lot of sexism in all industries but especially women in roles of authority. Directors are up there. This Tumblr

Jealousy about "The Dissolve"?

I liked your comment, but then saw you didn't spell it "hooray".

I really wish he didn't turn out to be racist. That would have been a much more potent comparison to the Garner case if Conservatives hadn't handily abandoned his cause.

I wish there were better numbers on how often black men get pulled over or generally stopped without committing any crimes over the general population, so I'd have something quantitative to back up my "Right, but how would you react if you were stopped by police without cause ____ many times?"

Legally, running away should not provide "probable cause", which is why there is so much hubbub about Stop-and-Frisk. According to Illinois V. Wardlow, avoiding police is actually a right. In that case, an armed individual got off because he was only searched due to the fact that he fled from police (even though he

Eh the flipside is something a guy I know tweeted (young black male from Maryland who is absolutely livid at what's happening every day at the hands of law enforcement): "What we don't need is blindly idealistic liberals passively condoning acts of violence and domestic terrorism, sweeping evil under the rug only when

To be honest, probably just the ones personally affected by the violence.