
Obviously they're going to reset most of them, but I hope they at least keep someone knowing that Wells/Thawne is the Reverse Flash.

My favourite of the MGM musicals is Singin' in the Rain, but I feel that Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and, especially, Lili are very overlooked, particularly as they are the two most integrated I've seen.

I watched Inserts this week, and re-watched Bernie and The Social Network.

Wouldn't Caesar be dead?

I hadn't heard of Blue Steel until now, but I'm thinking I should check it out.

Yeah, I meant to say to use Goldsmith and Zimmer in the same comparison, but didn't catch it until too late.

I think it's a little weird to compare Jerry Goldsmith and Hans Zimmer, because to me Goldsmith is the ultimate chameleon (along with Morricone), whereas Zimmer is someone who clearly has a handful of modes that he, and his team, can work in.

I had no problem getting into the rhythm of it. Seasons 3&4 were one of my longest continuous binge-watching sessions (topped only by the weekend I watched three seasons of The Wire).

I was disappointed by Aliens when I watched it too, mostly for the reasons you said. Though a lot of it was simply how much I hated the way Cameron used the kid to elicit sympathy. The action is good, though.

This week I watched Good Will Hunting, The Innocents, Roar and Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior.

A Merit (equivalent to a B+ in US grading).

I used it in my high school poetry presentation (which basically consisted of me introducing the clip).

I definitely liked it, it just didn't spark for me the way Fassbinder does when working in his more baroque mode.

This week I watched Coming to America and Ali: Fear eats the Soul.

I quite liked Marty. To be honest, it didn't bother me that it didn't end with more of a bang. Marty had gone through his arc, and that was enough. I've got a bit of a soft spot for low-key charmers, though.

This week I watched Secretary, Branagh's Henry V, Richard Burton's Hamlet, Beverly Hills Cop, Jupiter Ascending and Zelig.

I haven't seen/heard either of those shows, but I'm interested in The Adding Machine (though I don't have the money to buy it at the moment).

Yeah, I kind of went overboard (and totally forgot Ahrens and Flaherty, who fit the bill even if I don't particularly like them). To be honest, I just got really pissed off watching The Last Five Years and reading this article made me want to vent.

Well, the animated films are helped by being shaped in the mold of the Disney renaissance which, because of Ashman, uses classical musical theatre storytelling conventions.

Have you ever seen someone sing naked? It's not a pretty sight…