
No, it was a major plot point that she was a white-looking Maori.

In the final week of the NZ Film Festival in Wellington I saw Much Ado About Nothing, and a New Zealand first feature called Fantail.

Tongan Ninja is hilarious.

This week I watched Frances Ha and The Past at the New Zealand Film Festival, plus Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox.

No, more Michael's line of questioning that if her point was to give equal weight to everyone then making a film documentary might not be the best way to do it as it has to be edited, and the editing choices would be inherently subjective and coloured by her experience.

I was completely with the film until the end, which was a little problematic.

George in the car driving to the Hamptons is a great George moment.

Last week I watched The Ice Storm, Stories We Tell and Cheap Thrills, the latter two during the first week of the New Zealand International Film Festival.

I'm not saying the camp was bad. It's a large part of what worked in the movie for me.

I thought Buffy was presented entirely in 4:3 - or at least on the DVD's I watched from. I think you are generally right about season 4 being fairly enjoyable, though I think you might find the episodes coming up aren't so great. Season 3 is one of my favourite seasons of TV however, so Season 4 felt like a let-down

I have personally found Skyler annoying since season 2, but I think season 3 was when people were most critical of her.

This week I watched The World’s End, In a Lonely Place and Phantom of the Paradise.

Interestingly, The Right Girl and The God-Why-Don't-You-Love-Me Blues are basically the same song, except The Right Girl is far more effective (in my opinion). I suppose they thought that the gaudy Follies stuff would sell bettter to the TV audience, though out of context it doesn't make a lot of sense.

This week I watched Pacific Rim, Un Flic and You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet.

The whole studio cast thing (re-)initiated by John McGlinn in the 1980's has been a boon for classic musical lovers.

It's great when the game cuts you a break and gives you a great player, isn't it?

Basically something about the real-time nature of the film didn't jibe with me, and I didn't find it as relatable the others, though I'm sure it would be if I was in my 30's or knew people in their 30's.

How long is the campaign mode in the 2012 edition?

This week I watched Before Midnight and the first season of The West Wing.

I was going to listen to it, but then I read that the composer was very influenced by Stockhausen and thought again.