
To which I can only repeat my proposal of a young, circa-Lawrence-of-Arabia Peter O'Toole.

Are we allowed to include 'If they were alive…' as well? Because if so: a young Peter O'Toole as Mike Carey's Lucifer. A proper adaptation. Not this procedural garbage.

I haven't watched the film, but I didn't read the criticism of the development as being about the protagonist making a romantic/life choice. I read it as being a criticism of the loss of nuance in the telling of the protagonist's dilemma, rather than a 'mean lady hurting menfolk' dig. As in: by presenting the

This was gorgeous. I haven't been following Capaldi's run as The Doctor (as much as I love him), but a friend told me I had to, had to check this out. Tremendous episode. From the Beethoven's Seventh Symphony-inflected soundtrack, to the Sartre references (Les Mouches and to a smaller degree Huis Clos), to -of course-

Okay, I really do hate being That Person, but…. I am genuinely puzzled by the inclusion of Sophie Turner or RDJ (whom I enjoy in their roles) on the list as opposed to:
- Meryl Streep (Fantastic Mr Fox, The Devil Wears Prada, as well as Sophie's Choice);
- Christian Bale (Empire of the Sun, Little Women, American

So long after the original article, and surely nobody's reading, but: Howl's Moving Castle directed by Genndy Tartakovsy- or, oo, oo, Nick Park? I liked the Miyazaki film a lot, but I miss the screwball wit and genteel wryness of the book.

The Shining. I like Kubrick's film a lot, but I'd be interested to see an actually proficient film that is faithful to the novel.

Haider is really a Gertrude story, though. Which… is inevitable, given that she's played by the incomparable Tabu.

I wonder. In many ways, Henry V is a logical extension of Hal. There's the self-deception, the sociopathic manipulation, the way around propaganda and a learning from his father's abortive attempts at prosecuting a holy war….

I saw him in 'Twelfth Night', and fell immediately in love, and tried to watch him in everything I could afterwards.

I liked her very much in 'Kameeney', though. Props for the Govinda avatar, BTW.

It's the projection that's toxic. It's the same with the people who rage-sharted at Skylar White because she was getting in Walter White's way. Ugh.

Um, they could have done a better job of exposition, yes (whether or not this is a clip from the film or solely marketing material)?
'As the first female commander……'
'You know from my file I graduated top of my class in……'

Wherefore hate thyself?

…. You know that it is possible for more than one female comedian to be successful, yes?

Sans Clytemnestra. Although, from Selyse's reaction, I wonder….

(blinks) do… you mean that she didn't earn her PhD? Or that she doesn't actually have one? Or that you've read her thesis or published papers or whatever and you think they're twaddle?

Is she an anti-vaxxer? As in, does she have a principled objection to vaccinating children in general, or hers specifically? Serious question. I've heard this a tonne of times from commenters on this website and was curious enough to check out the actor's own FB page, on which this was said:

The Sorkin dialogue makes me want to run and hide. At least in 'The Social Network', Sorkin was cut with Fincher's icy sensibility. I like some of Boyle's work very much, but I really don't know if he is the man to offset Sorkin's hagiographic excesses.

So late to the party, but I don't see a comment pointing out that Young Dick looks like a young Christian Bale (circa 'Empire of the Sun').