
"There were slight wisps of blonde hair blowing around my pants' zipper. How is this even a question?"

Fuck you Steve Heisler
If it wasn't for adult Kevin Arnold providing deadpan comic commentary concerning young Kevin Arnold, that stupid fuckin show woulda been about nothing more than some stupid ass kids growing up in the late sixties…. wait…. nevermind.

Rickenbackers are amazing. Paul McCartney's bass tone on those later beatles albums is amazing, and those fucking guitars feel fucking good.


Could you please explain the "Blackfeet tribe" thing you just wrote, because I didn't really follow how a bunch of stupid fucking hippies are anything like Native people, even though they sure wannabe.

However, you transmitting canceraids to your cat by way of feline anal intercourse is actually really, really funny. Too bad they're shutting down soapbox because you felt a need to share it with everyone.

Despite the goodness or inherent badness
Dylan and Joan Baez did quite a good thing in the 60's with the civil rights movement and making one well awares as to how much a certain thing is obvious and well taken for granted these days:

I made an account..
then realized this site sucks ass when it comes to music reviews. fuck…..

So this is what an English degree from the University of Montana gets you: A buncha' five dollar words that make you seem all smart n' shit, and really fey pretentiously ironic music. Portland ruins them Montanans.