Black Vorta

The coily MacGuffin thing was a magic doohicky to kill security sensors as was explained in the film. I can buy that they didn't have enough time to build it and train Lang at the same time, but I don't understand why they didn't already have it. They clearly had this plan or versions of it for months which should

maybe a series of tubes would be more robust and efficient?

In Chicagoland, almost all the baskin robbins are attached to dunkin donuts but seemingly half of those stores have been converted to just dunkin donuts over the past year and a half or so. So whenever I'm in traffic and want ice cream I really do ask myself, "Where's Baskin Robbins?" because I'm usually too far away

RE 3:
and almost blew himself up doing it iirc.

that's raci——-

They showed a making-of bit before Ant-Man yesterday; apparently he really was up there hanging on to an airplane door. I didn't even know this movie was coming out and now I'm pretty excited. 2015 has been a hell of a year for film.

The fact that you haven't received all the upvotes tells me the AVC is not ready.

Their revival in this revival would be
( •_•)>⌐□-□
jumping the shark.

Well maybe you'd be less nervous if you took lab safety more seriously and did less meth.

He's Donald Trump, Harvey.

The stupidest shit needs the most attention.
-CNN and buzzfeed.


Wow! Conan can really sing!

All of Australia's Confederate Flags are hung upside down, however.

Darn, I had something for this.

why are they spending so much time talking about @JMPesq:disqus 's anus?

The scenes didn't and don't annoy me but I agree they don't work as well in the film.

The jury is always out on science.