The Drainpipe

Did Kubrick say he'd never seen a horror film before making The Shining? I mean, when he was interviewed by Michel Ciment in 1980, he said he had seen, and admired, Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist. And apparently Kubrick was a big fan of Eraserhead, to the point that he made the cast and crew watch it on the onset of

"Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I put on my schoolgirl outfit and said, "Hit me baby one more time!""

Someone needs to set a beat to Patrick Troughton solemnly intoning "From the eternal sea he rises/Creating armies on either shore/Turning man against his brother/Till man exists no more."

I get the feeling that King was more guarded about the film version of The Shining for years because the film was getting a lot of stick from critics anyway, so he didn't need to add much. But nowadays, the film is generally regarded as a classic, and maybe that is driving Steve nuts.

Reminds me of how, when David Bowie hit a creative slump in the 1980s, the music press suggested he should start taking cocaine again.

"Smith! Zapp Smith. Brannigan!"

Another connection between the two is that both bands have songs that the Manic Street Preachers covered. :-p

"I said "Step pause turn pause pivot step step," not "Step pause turn pause pivot step pause!" Oh, shudder!


See, Peter Weller is cool enough just for Robocop, Naked Lunch, etc. But the dude also teaches ancient history in Syracuse University, and plays in a jazz band with Jeff Goldblum? Man.

So, how close is Random Roles getting to covering the main cast of Robocop?

I suppose Topper might be underrated in general (probably by virtue of the fact that he was the drummer), but there are plenty of
Clash overviews out there that state (correctly) that Mick and Topper
were the two best musicians in the band. (No wonder Cut the Crap was doomed.)

The Wiki article on Wired is pretty chunky:

Chevy Chase in Caddyshack II. Before the climactic golf tournament begins, doesn't Ty Webb give a nonchalant parting line and then walk off, never to be seen for the rest of the film?

I'm sure she doesn't tour here every year, but it seems like she does.

Connelly totally stole that one though.

Which one's Pink?


Why Bother is indeed rather brilliant, yes. Considering how near death Peter Cook was at the time, his performance is astonishing.

That could be it.