I saw The Rock years ago, and the only thing I remember about it now - and the only thing about it I remember liking at the time - was that Ed Harris' character was relatively sympathetic and non-stereotypical, as far as villains in action movies go.
"I like all the bands. I’ve got a broad taste, from the Britpop bands like UB40, Def Leppard, right back to classic rock, like Wings."
"Who’s Wings?"
"They’re only the band The Beatles could have been."
"Well, I love The Beatles."
"Yeah, so do I."
"What’s your favourite Beatles album, then?"
"Tough one. I think I’d have to…
I really hate how subsequent video/DVD releases of Raiders of the Lost Ark brand the film Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not only that, but some editions even claim that the film is Chapter 24 in the Adventures of Indiana Jones. Why the fuck does Lucas have to turn everything into ponderous…
On the topic of McGinley playing a comic book villain, I think he was up for the part of the Riddler in the third Batman film in the Burton series (before Jim Carrey's sudden bankability).
McGinley's quite entertaining on the making-of doco included on the Platoon DVD. From his impersonation of Oliver Stone, to his recollection of the lousy conditions the actors had in the Philippines ("You couldn't shit, so for four or five days, you couldn't take a shit, and then finally you do and it's just fucking…
If Jim Morrison lived, but Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger and John Densmore died, then there would be…3 Doors Down.
I'm still hanging out for Sledge Hammer! to get the Classic Reviews treatment here. That show is a gem.
Dafoe, then McGinley? Sure. Maybe every cast member of Platoon should get the chance to be Norman Osborn. Except for the fat guy who gets killed near the start.
Talk Radio is seriously underrated. One of Stone's best films.
Surviving the Game was, I'm pretty sure, the first time I saw John C. McGinley (and Ice T, and F. Murray Abraham). Rutger Hauer, Charles S. Dutton, and Gary Busey I'd already seen.) That movie is littered with amusing moments. Funnily enough, McGinley's character actually wises up towards the end (for all the good it…
McGinley in Platoon is interesting. Sgt. O'Neill is sort of like the weaselly asshole supporting character you'd find an 80s comedy, but instead that character is stuck in a harrowing war movie.
I just remembered that John C. McGinley provided the voice for Ray Palmer/The Atom in the Justice League animated series, which reminds me, if you look at the list of Random Roles interviewees, an inordinate number of them probably popped up in the DCAU at some point.
I (re)watched Platoon last night. I feel a combination of schadenfreude and pity when McGinley is informed at the end of the movie that he's now the platoon sergeant. He's kind of like Bill Paxton in Aliens, isn't he? Starts off a cocky douchebag, then spends the better part of the movie in utter dismay.
Yeah, I'd like to know how John C. McGinley felt about playing a guy who gets his nuts crushed by Michael Ironside.
@avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus "Another surprising Star Wars thing is he didn't even write the script to Empire Strikes Back apparently, he only got a story credit on it."
Didn't Marcia Lucas leave George to go live with the guy Lucas hired to install the stained-glass windows in his private library?