More than anything, this episode made me think, "fuck Girls and how do more people talk about it than this?!"
More than anything, this episode made me think, "fuck Girls and how do more people talk about it than this?!"
i couldnt even handle that.
Yeah, that's what I thought would happen, I was a bit disappointed.
I liked the Ryan/Tessa stuff and the Dalia stuff, but yeah, Dallas is getting to be a really pointless character. I loved her last season and they've really lost something there.
Well, it seems like he more broke up with her because of the Nick thing and she used the fistbump thing to make herself feel better about it afterwards.
So bad. so wonderfully bad. My favorite hate-watch of the season. It really did pick up Glee's slack.
I feel the same way :( I wanted to like it, but I was mostly disappointed. I loved last week's episode, but the fight between Jack and Liz just wasn't believable to me. After that long of a friendship, a huge realization in a 3 minute conversation at the beginning wasn't enough to make me believe they were really…
That was great. Just fantastic. They really did the will they/won't they with Nick and Jess right by having Nick be the one to catch feelings. I love it.
Tommy's A joke: black.
@avclub-1df8797177fc3b52be6784aacca7358c:disqus "Terry is also a pedophile rapist, but it's cool because he's one of us!"
It makes sense for Mandy's motivation, but it makes the whole "let's invite Mandy's dad to beat up a pedophile" scene nonsensical. Why didn't Lipp and Ian beat up Mandy's dad when they knew it was happening? Why would they invite him along?
did they forget that Mickey/Lipp's Girlfriend's dad is a pedophile? He raped his daughter and she had to get an abortion…why didn't they beat him up? Lipp and Ian knew about it, right?
God rest its soul.
Yes, advertising money. If no one is watching, you can't sell commercial time.
…are you okay?
Jeez, that's exactly what it is.
Mark Duplass is super attractive to me and it weirds me out.
@Scrawler2:disqus Highlight of the season for him? Remember that time we got to see his butt like twice? ALL THE EMMYS.