
Clay's Smart Move
I'm surprised that Zack didn't make a bigger deal of the fact that it was Clay's decision to spare the buried-dude's life. Jax, who we've come to know as the more restrained of the two, seemed ready to waste the guy. Clay's realization that SAMCRO is spread too thin for a war was not something I

To confirm:

hammerbutt, thank YOU for reminding me of the cunt-punch. It got his ass wasted, but boy was it awesome

I assumed the van guys were Irish, but I don't think it got confirmed. The Irish and the Whities are the only Caucasians that SAMCRO has pissed off….

Luke is hilarious and awesome.

As much as I hated him, the fact that he loved his son really came through. Gotta give credit to Rollins and the writers for that.

It won't.

I am a bit confused as to how club has an Irish connection at all. Why would Chibbs ever even mention, let alone work with, Jimmy O?

I realized Gemma was going to tell when she made Unser promise to protect the club.

And, for the love of god, how have they not yet put some 10 megapixel cameras on their killer-spiky-ball-drone things. I have one on my puny human PHONE, and they can't afford to slap a couple on their death probe. Really??

I would totally go see their ship. I sure as hell wouldn't just trust them — but who could pass on going inside an interstellar spaceship?

I prefer my women to resemble adverbs

I've been clean since episode 2 of this season

I thought Danko was killed in a tragic rocket explosion in an attempt to reach Ally Larter's home planet

She had a sit down with Bobby, and he knows somethings up — he said as much when the club was trying to figure out when Clay and Jax started getting into it.

She was great in her scene with Jax. She came off as a hard ass, but when Jax called her out on her ploy you could see her fall apart a little.

After he trashed the place, he handed everyone a box if cigs EXCEPT Jax. Subtle, but awesome.

And, in particular, their attraction to bad boys that luv them and show them a softer side.

Fuck cable. I called them up this weekend and asked how much money I needed to throw at them to watch the football game of my choosing. Their response: Sorry, not possible - get satellite.

I find Tig far more interesting than most of the other important-but-not-central members of the club. I hope he doesn't take the full brunt of the blame. Even though he pulled the trigger, Donna's murder still falls on Clay's lap, IMO.