Prince Pauper

Including Dawes in any "top of the year" list is now redundant due to the massive overexposure this band has received on this web site.
I submit Cut Off Your Hands as a replacement in an effort to lift them out of their undeserved(IMHO) state of obscurity.

Holy shit I hope you meant "pedantic" rather than "pederast"
If not then consider turning yourself in….

Gentlemen, please…

Yeah, they're pretty cool, and kind of overlooked, kind of…


Hey, Prayforsnow…thanks for the bizarre mention. Many years ago(15+yrs) I heard a song on college radio by a band that I thought I heard as "The Dropping Joys". I searched the band that you wrote with the song I thought was mentioned by the DJ and I got it right thanks to google. Turns out It was the "Falling Joys"

For me the shoegaze phase was the epitome of alternative music, and extinguished itself quickly just as there is little ground to cover at the peak. IMHO, "Loveless" is the peak of that movement. The quality of alt rock music since then has slowly diminished.

"Kill Your Television" is one of the rare songs that for me I'll never, ever, get tired of listening to. It's almost as good as "The Queen is Dead" as far as best opening tracks ever…

When the HD whirls a gooey, sticky substance flies out of the small side openings

*Picking nose blatantly*

That's Matthew Sweet? I thought that was a "A Very Special Episode: Grizzly Adams" link…

I'm using binoculars, that way there's no chance she'll spot me!

She faints dead away b/c it takes her 300 words to express whatever she needs to say…by the time she's done she's depleted the oxygen supply to her brain.

Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better about myself…

This explains his utter contempt for hairdressers.

You mean the "Throne of Dud"?

The plumbing system leaks?

Devito and Perlman HAVE to be together as they're the only people still in the industry with a height below 4'.

Good news for you, Yukon: You now have a drinking buddy again!

So much like a scab beneath the crusty exterior there is pus?
Please someone stop me before I get carried away…