Sir Dippingsauce

Jill Pill was really interseting too because she was one of the few people who seemed completely above Bojack's shit. She and him operate on two different wavelengths, which means that she's able to interact with him without getting dragged down as well, which we've seen happen to pretty much everyone else he knows in

So, the show setting up all these Venture/Blue Morpho mistaken identity things is foreshadowing that Rusty and Monarch are half brothers or related in some way, right?

The Deathball field design had to come from something

And to think you all laughed when I bought that crying pool!

Hey, she ate a person then saved four people from the raptors! If anything she's coming out ahead of the game

I actually thought an article had said they were jumping to 1976, so I was really confused when I saw Nixon on the TV.

I wonder if Liz G will meet up with Murph at some point during her time in Philly and/or the Poconos. Well, a man can dream

At least Denise will live on in that girl from Bob's Burgers who's trying to get to Turtle Camp…

Lars and Ronaldo are two opposing sides of the same Awful Teenage Boy coin and I think that's beautiful

How is Armond a loser? He said it himself, his life was "A…okay"

"You know this kinda makes me wanna loot you"

Weirdly enough, I thought Lil' Hard Dad was kind of underwhelming and I loved this one. Though it's hard to hate any episode that reveals that Teddy spends his non-Bob related free time just driving around town

Show of hands, who else thinks the truck in the preview for the next episode (where they cut to Phil saying "Carol") is gonna be a fourth survivor?

I just saw this tonight (I've been marathoning all the ones I've missed since Lion 3, so i've had a very Steven Universe heavy week) and holy wow. Between this and the latest Gravity Falls ep I'm floored at how well mainstream family cartoons have been able to pull off very painful, emotionally heavy episodes while

There was "Bob and Deliver", the one where he taught home ec

watchcartoononline is a solid streaming site. it's how I plan to watch the past two seasons of Korra in time to catch up to the finale on Friday!

Did Gene wearing the Jessica shirt mean she showed up for the first time since the sleepover? Or is that just wishful thinking on my part? (but seriously, Louise unknowingly befriending people around town is one of my favorite bits of her character development)

I'm still holding out hope that Ms. 10 Year Yeast Infection from speed dating shows up again. Or as I like to call their ship: Ted Year Yeast Infection

Linda's choice of impersonation wasn't that surprising. After all, Dr. Glen Welder got the highest MCATs in the state

I think my favorite gag of the night was the flashback to Big Bob meeting Gene. The confused "but it's your house!" response to Bob leaving after 15 minutes was really illustrative of who Big Bob is: he's overbearing and clearly an unpleasant kind of guy to work with, but he's not actively malicious. It's easy to see