
We hate movies podcast has about a two hour rebuttal

These guys are great, I've caught them live twice and I think they're doing something that nobody else is right now.  Dark aggressive music without affecting some kind of bullet belt/goth kinda pose.  Nicely done says I

Shouting Matches is a dumb name.  Screaming Matches would have been a little better because it would at least evoke that kid's joke where you ask somebody if they've ever heard a match scream and put a smoldering match on their arm.  The only Bon Iver song I ever heard sounded like Peter Cetera… fucking dismal

Like how Almost Famous, the story a wise beatific music critic turns out to be more of a hero than the bands he covers and loses his virginity to a pack of groupies, was beloved by critics.

I googled Amelie Gillette, she's real purrty…

Who's ever even heard of Level 42?  (sorry guys!)

S-Club has a big gay following

Nora Zehetner seems a little young to be his girlfriend, MM is almost 50 right?

Is it just me is is she putting a lot of superfluous country twang on there?

Brass Eye is utterly insane!

I'm so happy you guys are finally giving this show some attention!  imho it's the funniest thing on tv since the Simpsons at their peak

Poly is far and away one of the finest lyricists ever.  I heard this album 20 years after the fact and her commentaries on consumer culture are as sharp today as when she wrote them.  On top of that she had an amazing voice and her band was quirky, fun and raw without being "adorkable" (sp?).  I still listen to this

A mexican playing a guatemalan is like a canadian playing an american (estadounidense)… a total fucking  betrayal

Tortured? think outside the Skinner box was fucking funny.  I guess you find The Onion to be equally tortured

Cool riff but shouldn't Mike Vallely be somewhere trying to land kick flips?

Oh boy, the drummer from fugazi is gonna sing, I can't wait

Too bad you can never complete the quartet of autobios since Stanley is illiterate and no one has the fortitude to withstand a books worth of his unyielding screeching and come-ons

Liked the improvised lacrosse stick used to throw the Molotov cocktails

Anybody know of any good support groups/networks for families of people with an ASD, on-line or otherwise?

I always thought Girls was a lot like Entourage, a lot of whingeing over zero stakes.  The fate of Downton itself has become somewhat of a foregone conclusion, however having seen season three there are a few actual surprises and unexpected turns that result in serious consequences and compelling drama.  Not of the