Baby 1937

Whole Foods is also owned by an anti-union conservative and has driven a number of small, ma-and-pop organic food operations near where I live to close down. But the latter is kind of an all-big-chain-stores thing.

I was gonna be all indignant and say, what, you can't be both? But then on second listen to both I realized that I'm an "I'm Going to Go Back There Someday" person. So you may be right.

Could we stop making fun of a writer who produces a metric fuckton of (free, entertaining) content for occasionally using the same turn of phrase more than once? It's really stupid.

You've got a point — a lot of liberals can be really classist in their assumptions about how you should save energy (answer: visibly, and at great expense). There's a show in that.

Depending on which conspiracy, many of them are most certainly not ignored.

It's a People's Front of Judea/Judean People's Front situation the second you bring up, say, the relative merits of locavores versus vegans.

Oh, they're an absolute classic internet person. Just a goldmine.

I'll always think of them fondly as the men who poisoned my dating pool.

Well, grad students are the absolute worst. But moderates are up there.

Well, grad students are the absolute worst. But moderates are up there.

Really, the Just World fallacy in conjunction with an adherence to tradition explains a lot. Many people believe, though perhaps not consciously, that the world is somehow fundamentally fair and people who get a raw deal must have done something to bring it upon themselves, or are always able to get what they want if

I'd watch that. About either person.

I'd watch that. About either person.

I'd watch that. About either person.

The problem with his criticism is that Love Today just isn't an ideas-y song. Marah and him keep taking the whole piece to an ideas place with criticism of the song's message, when what I think is really the thing that makes Mika so annoying is the palette of sound he works with and how shiny and round and sweet and

IIRC, he also did the music to The Long Goodbye, which has some nice jazzy bits.

We should take up a collection to get one into next year's Super Bowl (wherein the bowl is super because it is full of weed, also it is that kind of bowl, JOKE EXPLAINED!)

But without them, what would the goths smoke out in the woods behind the high school?

Are you saying he WAS armed with more than an Arizona iced tea and a bag of Skittles? Some jerky, maybe?

This is the best thing.