Baby 1937

Who else here took like a minute to figure out which Dave Thomas?

Holy shit, you're the worst person.

And not funny, regardless.

Oh boy! I can't wait to guess which ones!

Coincidentally, the only men who end up on the "friends" ladder are the same kind of men who buy into ladder theories. /cynical Jewish chick

Well, yeah, but Tracy Does Conan is pretty much the best thing ever. I'm pretty sure frolicking otters pale in comparison.

Yee Yee you are a strange one.

The PC police? What is this, the 90s? They used a rape scene in an advertised comedy, they put it in the previews without context, people had a right to be dubious about the possibility of a rape being used as a punchline (not so much to complain about it without seeing the whole thing, of course).

Cause God knows radical feminism is still a thing. Right. Way to strawman.

Yeah, now that it's pretty much all celebrity gossip, muffins, and kitties it's tolerable.Worthless, but tolerable.

They do get called sexist, it's not a zero-sum game. And it doesn't stop them.

I can definitely hear that element of Del Rey's persona as a woman reduced/reducing herself to her sexuality in her lyrics/delivery. I don't think that element of her work is necessarily intentional (it doesn't come off that way to me, but does it have to matter if your interpretation is the intended one?), if it is

Aaaand look whose response to accusations of sexism was heavily gendered/sexualized.

Was with you until spoiled-brat, comfortable, successful cryptofeminists. So, uh, who's allowed to be a feminist according to you?

So… who wants to party with me?

If we felt good about ourselves we'd also stop reading your posts. But we don't.

I bet you listen to a lot of Yngwie, nu?

This does not preclude Tom Friedman also being a hack. A hack who mixes every metaphor he uses.

Still fat, probably.

My wife, Eleanor.