Prof. William Ocean

Mine came Friday! Surprise, it's 45 rpm! And fantastic!

That is not how one abbreviates Kentucky
I love all the albums and EPs. Evil Urges was definitely a grower as my wife and I love it now after playing the vinyl frequently. The Circuital vinyl came in the mail today and we;re still getting familiar with it. I've been loving 'Black Metal' for a couple weeks. Z is the

"Evil Urges" haters need to pop on the vinyl once a week for 24 months and then re-evaluate. Or they could shut the fuck up altogether, which probably would enhance each online community they take part in.

Agree, and agree more. Especially with the doctor's comment on the matter.

"Teacher"? Try "professor," aaaackhat!


Where is the …
… 'elsewhere in music' section? How you gonna set up a format and then forsake it, Nabin?

I know those words, but that sign makes no sense

Prez Hilton?
Isn't he that guy what traffics in child pron?

>SPENDING! This is the No. 1 thing. Bush spent a lot but Obama's taking it to a ludicrous extreme. Seek the numbers from a somewhat objective source and see for yourself.

Reality Biter: " racist underpinnings and the emotional reactive response you're getting from these teabaggers because we have a black president" and "what makes you think the teabag movement isn't racist?"

Don't forget two renderings of O'Ne.

Another classic post
by the racist Sean O'Neal. It seems like just the other day O'Neal was sucking up to Ms. Garfunkel by calling me one. And the thing is, he's never even met me!

Nice interview, Seen-O! You're totally objective and on topic!

She's the worst part of Clay Pigeons, too.


Dude's a complete toolbag. For once, these hipsters' are correct.

Dude's busy writing utter shite at Ariana Huffington's site. At least he's not ruining another Stephen King adaptation.

LOL! = Sam Adams Not Logged In

This is what qualifies for a AVC staff comment? Boycott this writer's beer!