Prof. William Ocean

Who is this Lindsay Thobe? Who is this "gillgan"? Must be the one in the red hanging with the Skyper and the Poorfessor.

Shih Tzu got this right: "Dude's perfectly cogent when he's in his element, and his element is film."

Is this your own opinion, or are you retweeting lefty has-been Bob Ebert?

Malaise ….. somebody's a jalopnik gawker reader, and proud of it.

It's clearly a tricked out monte carlo, ebert calls it a caddy, just one of ebert's many screwed-up details over the years.

… nor his love of misidentifying easily identifiable details like the type of classic car Denzel drove in "Training Day."

There was a local or regional furniture store with radio ads featuring a Max-alike called Maximum Bedroom.

Of all things, a post on hip-hop is where Nabin takes it easy on all the effin' & jeffin'.

The shirt clearly
doesn't button down in the common usage of the term, the collar.

This was one of my favorite movies when I was 24. Sure hard to hold up well when an acquaintance (I can't remember who) never returned the dvd.

She's truly a travesty.

Uh huh, it just doesn't fit.

The very franchise website they're shutting down and leaving poor Battaglia out to dry with. Coincidence?

I enjoy Brie on MM and Community
It's nutty that Community is supposedly set in Colorado (we saw Britta's number in Winger's smartphone with a 303). If you are going to set it in CO, take some small steps to show some snow in the winter! Otherwise, just give it a general California setting.

Crossroads box set and "Just One Night" … both terrific.

They say "havin' a sit" or "havin' a chat."

You got that right hpnerd.

I agree Nick probably would know/like the bands, but that doesn't make it unlikely he'd have them. Angelo's CDs & Tapes had a free box with all the promo stuff; I decorated 3 full walls of my parents' basement with many album posters or gig posters from bands I hadn't heard. I noticed some of Nick's posters have the

This is pretty low down for fresh-dressed-shop-at-Modell's, the liberal loonybin. At least Koski's and Nabin's entries have spotlighted something cool and interesting that we might not have seen before, and the Juggalo jackass deserves all that will come to him throughout his life (though I feel bad for the child

Always a rockstar on eMpty T.V.