Prof. William Ocean

If every person in the country is covered, is it called insurance anymore? Insurance by definition is pooled risk. If you believe that insurance companies should not exist at all, then we are of different ideologies and nothing I could say would make you think differently.

@jizz. Really? I'm a troll just because I have a different opinion than you? Seriously, look up what troll means.

For the record, I'm not an uncaring or uncharitable person, I simply feel there is value in hard work and the proposed reforms will reward laziness at the expense of those who had good health insurance. The DMV may not belong in the comparison to private sector (though you can't extract it from the idea of government

Jim, do you understand the concept of insurance as "pooled risk"? If your business is selling care in case it is needed, why would you sell to someone you know is already sick?

Ellsworth —- you mean pop-culture centric, or populated heavily by liberals?

GeoGreg — Would it be better for you to hear that from the government and have no other options in which to turn? I'm not against reform, I'm against the public option. Why not tort reform? Why not allow inter-state purchase of health insurance so you could take it with you when you change jobs?

They do offer those things, but with a huge deficit. Why would you want it to take on even more? Why do you never mention the post office and the dmv in these arguments? Even J Stew grabbed a laugh at the DMV's expense during his ACORN piece.

@jorel1114 : What you are missing is that the public option WILL KILL ALL COMPETITORS. Public option can operate at a loss and is run on taxes. Private companies must earn a profit and must pay taxes (that prop up the public option.) Eventually, employers will drop group coverage plans and tell employees to use the

Actually I'm not a troll. I'm not sure what you think a troll is, but it isn't someone who logs in and makes a profile on a Web site and outlines clear thoughts on an issue.

He's speaking up for the public option, and being willfully ignorant of the fact that a gov't-funded healthcare system will operate at a loss, eventually driving out all other healthcare companies, who will have to pay taxes to support their competitor. If the Dems truly wanted to help the poor, why do they have no

meaning "schtick", I know nothing of their stick.

You think Will Ferrell
is gonna go on the public option and wait forever to find out a panel says he doesn't need treatment. No, he'll toss a bag of money at a cancer doctor and get all he needs immediately.

Arsenio Billingham's comments are homosexual feces.

The other day I was behind a hideous blue Booick crossover with all kinds of liberal crap all over it, and one that said 'my dog is smarter than the president.' OK, if that's how you feel about Socialist Barry, fine by me!

Did you make a collect call to the states costing 900 dollaridues?

Nice Banmar, you really elevate things. Lemur didn't take it personally, he just went nutso on the capitalization and misspelled dreads

Everyday the same thing: Lemur and I this, Lemur and I that. We get it. And the situation you just described could be the lot after dozens of different bands or any music festival since the Us Festival, the only truly great festival in this lifetime.

It's "T-shirt" if AVC uses AP style. Nabin uses' t-shirt' which would feature a cotton short sleeve with a really tall neck. BUT, he also digs on 'tee-shirt' so he's undecided, just like his Farley hate/love.

The overlooked thing here
is that Pawnee, Indiana's city logo may have been cribbed from one the city of Fort Collins, Colorado rejected.

What a thing to say about young Bo Burnham.