
I don't remember the context, but I once made a joke about Twilight, terminators, and fucking, and that got deleted by mods.
Even A.V. Club has a limit.

I really appreciate Kevin Smith in that he just seems like a normal dude/fan that got uplifted. Sure, he's made some really shitty movies and said some dumb shit, but at the end of the day he just seems like a giant fanboy getting to talk about and do what he loves.
I can't really hate on that.

I think I've only dropped 2 shows I've ever started watching for more than a few episodes.
Falling Skies and Parenthood.
Might eventually catch back up on Parenthood now that it's over.
I think I made the right call on Falling Skies though.

Way to continue being passive agressive as fuck A.V. Club on articles that aren't even opinion pieces.

Sure, it'll be out the same time George Martin publishes A Dream of Spring.

That doesn't automatically mean it's good though.
If they adapted the ACTUAL Civil War comic plotline rather than focusing it on Bucky that movie would've been awful.
And the ninjas themselves probably could have been done without being such boring cliches. Not a single iota of them as villains was interesting.

Yeah, though at least it wasn't nearly as big a drop off as the last half of Daredevil season 2 with Matt acting like a dick to be dark and brooding, Karen being a terrible journalist, it's magic ninja death cult, and Elecktra as the evil destiny queen. Ugh….

"By the Sea" would be a great topical one though, staring both of them. Written and directed by Angelina Jolie. It's a terribly artsy farsty pretentious ass film about Angelina Jolie acting like a bitch for the entire movie, but she's just so lovely and misunderstood really and all of the absolutely horrible things

Most of his newer work since around Under the Dome has been pretty good. Dr. Sleep is very much the exception. Vampires as American roadies feeding off of death, such as the scene of them all gathering around 9/11 and growing younger from the horror, was an neat idea, but it and everything else was handled pretty

Dreamcatcher is one of those books that's way more fascinating to discuss than it is to read. Which is somehow boring despite the subject matter. And also extremely convoluted.

He mentions Rip Hunter, later to appear in Legends of Tomorrow, not Hunter Zoloman, in reference to the time machine.

I meant other than Dany's crew. That's already a bunch of people we at least mostly know, but then we have 30 or so other ones just introduced in Dance here and there.

The Meerenese Knot for one is far too complicated to be interesting. I can't remember half of the couple dozen or so minor named characters who are involved in that mess.

Feast and Dance are very much a mixed bag. I'm of the opinion that I absolutely love the Cersei and Jaime chapters in Feast as some of the best parts of his books, but then you have Sansa, Arya, and Brienne's chapters of them just dicking around, spinning wheels.


Dear HBO and D&D
Thanks for writing the rest of my series for me.
Sincerely, Geor-

And here we have the battle of the ages to show to a hardcore Tumblr person who will have to balance out their feelings towards Ann Coulter vs. their feelings towards using suicide as a joke.

Well, there you have it.
So…..everyone wins?

Having never played any Metal Gear game, all I can think of now is a bunch of protagonists kidnapped by a gang of Zombies, hands tied up and knelt before the head Zombie who has half his head missing and just screeches out noises while pacing and making hand gestures for an unintelligible 3 minute speech of his master