
Sure, there's a lot worse things on TV (see: The Bachelor, etc.). That certainly favors mediocre shows, but I was hoping that Alcatraz would actually be a good show, that it would use the reputation of its creator to actually take some risks or even try to be somewhat original or creative. It hasn't really

Surely not the WORST apology ever, but yeah, I can see your objection. I genuinely am sorry though, I would like to be as won over by this show as others are, but I genuinely cannot see where the series gets more than mild affection from. There is nothing about this series that I would say warrants a second season,


shoulda been more cunning.

I'm the designated card holder for my social group. They all like to play M:tG, but know they can't justify their inevitable level of addiction on just keeping a few cards around. So they stay out all together except when we're staying in to drink and hang out, then someone will slyly ask if I've built any new EDH

I had a philosophy professor that allegedly (from several decent sources) had dong thunderbolts tattooed on.

amen, Paranoia is sick amounts of fun to play/run.

Really hoping TVDW tries some Magic cards - I remember those things being like crack when I was in high school.

go on….

I know I am one of the regular and persistent detractors of this show, and I apologize for continuing in the same vein… I thought Hurley spying on Hauser was really annoying. Not that it had to be (though Hurley's previously revealed driving ability must have made it difficult - do they just have a cab waiting at the

Chillingly shoehorned character development, or spooky plot development hole?

They do it again, the next one will be faster.

See, it just feels like a tacked on flavor element. So it's actually the same lazy procedural archetype with a few more lazy short cuts to make room for a few lines to address "mystery."

Just curious - was I the only one who really hated the cribbing from "A Clockwork Orange"? I realize that coming up with a vaguely different form of brainwashing might have taken up marginally more screen time (especially in the long term), but all these short cuts taken just to make room for the "aww, he's jusht a

I think that this show just has a weird fetish for the hypersexed woman, Dr. Soto has to fend off the interest of most of the women he encounters, bank robber can seduce anything vaguely middle aged to the point they would break federal law and workplace rules just for a bit of workday strange (by the 4th date or so),

The amount of stupid shit these purportedly trained cops do is pretty significant. There are plenty of reasons, plot-wise, to wait out the shotgunner (though he very easy could have been reloading in between shots). IN reality, you would want to return fire if you thought he posed a continuing threat to you or other

Seriously, the present day parts of the show aren't fluffed up with stupid shit enough already without adding romance drama? This show struggles with some viewers because it seemingly can't decide what it wants to be, and you're lauding their further expansion into Tired Trope Waters?

Thank you, that was exactly where my mind went as soon as they revealed that little nugget.

that makes the most sense