
Well, let's be honest, her character is 1. one of the least funny (Christian moralists are annoying 2. one of the most static and 3. she relates to the other characters the least. There's very little reason for any of them to talk to her. They have more reason to talk to Pierce cause he needs help or insults them.

Exactly. I for one find it hard to judge the show's ability to develop characters, an episode, and a season when it's just so damn funny. Loosen up Todd.

Does anyone seriously think Amanda Seyfried looks attractive? As far as I can tell, she was perfectly cast as the dumb looking girl in Mean Girls, but can't in my eyes pull off anything else.

Engineer who just moved cross country.

Actually yeah. I don't really have friends beyond my coworkers.

I'd say she looked better this episode. And we all have our types. They're both super fucking hot.

Things like that hurt my brain. After characters become so ingrained, you don't understand how other actors even auditioned. And I didn't even care that much about Party Down! (Seriously, it was just ok, why do people like it so much?)

She looked hot! What are you people talking about? Yeah she's skinny, she's clearly naturally skinny and she stays in shape. I'd be all over it.

At first I was balking at how this episode could be 11th, and then I realized how many stellar episodes this show has made.

The Rashomon episode! They promised it and it came true!

What laws of thermodynamics did the scene defy?

I didn't think Gus ordered it either. But I said he let him die. If he was good he would've killed those dealers of his or at least threatened them with their life.

C'mon people. Gus let that kid (Andrea's brother) die. He's worse than Walt. Probably. We'll see.

Saul wants to live too. Walt could have told him this was the only way to kill Gus.

How at all is it Pyrrhic? Walt lost nothing and gained everything.

He couldn't get Jesse on his side to get his help or to get the info on Salamanca (because Jesse told Saul) without convinving Jesse it was Gus who poisoned Brock.

Is your powerlifting career over? This is so sad, you are only 25.

I don't understand that. It's not even very funny. There are like 2 funny jokes an episode last season and this season. It is better than the laugh track shows, but barely.

Basically, it's broad and generally inferior? Yeah, that's why it didn't deserve the Emmy. And it hasn't been original since season 1.