
What about a moody, atmospheric comedy/crime caper starring Pierce Brosnan called "The Bankrobber", with Greg Kinnear as "daddy" in flashback scenes.

Tom Cruise is a homosexual.

You realize that the "No new taxes" thing is for the wealthy and corporations, right? They're the ones who (continue to) benefit. I'm not arguing for more taxes (except for the rich), I'm just saying that that's where the argument comes from.

I miss you, Breaking Bad. Thank you for being so good as to sustain repeated reviewings until you come back. Please come back soon. I love you.

The Count of Monte Cristo is the fucking shit. DUDE WAS THE GUS FRING OF REVENGE BEFORE GUS FRING.

EIGHTEEN MONTHS? Seriously, that long? Where did you hear this?

The only line of dialogue in response to her request to join him that would have made any sense whatsoever would have been, "You'll fuck me, right?"

We say sorry a lot. That does not mean we don't hate you as much as Americans do.

This also made me laugh. Zombies DO be poopin'!

I love dogs so much. They are all sugarbears.

It was such an easy pitch you couldn't have been bothered to take a swing?

If by my "dim Che wearing friends in Soc 101" you mean Noam Chomsky, you're right about my source of information regarding early industrial views of wage labour. Should I prepare now to be made fun of for using somebody so Intro to Poli Sci as Chomsky as a credible source?

Just so you know it was me I who liked your post. I meant to hit reply. It's these clumsy 8 year-old's fingers.

It's not fair. Lots of money = political power. When a huge portion of the country's money is concentrated in one small group, that group has enormous political power. It's especially unfair when that small group uses their political power to influence law so that they get even more money.

You're right. Moronic "the poor are just jealous" stuff makes me blind with something between mild annoyance and righteous rage, and I don't think too well then. Or really ever. But I think we can all agree that Whovian is wrong.

Who the fuck is there to vote for who will raise corporate taxes AND who will actually have a chance in hell of winning?

You know that money rich people have because other people work for them and they accrue the profits? You have no right to any of it. And that money they won from gambling on the stock market, which gambling led to millions of people losing their homes? You aren't entitled to any of that.

You're either a master troll who's just bating me or a master troll who truly believes what he is saying. Not once did I insinuate the horrible opinions I ascribed to you, but now I have to. It's come to this. I have to assume that your main concerns are the disintegration of the American family due to the

I admire when people have the courage of their convictions and can respond to a question concerning their values, posed by somebody forthright about their own. Having the courage of your convictions would be the opposite of ending a conversation or debate or whatever this is because it's not the appropriate forum

The word, which incorrectly characterizes my post, is concession.