
Well that's frankly very interesting.

Is it me or did she look… odd?  Is that just current?  I wasn't even convinced it was her.

Really?  You think a fan named FoxBroadcasting put that together?

What the hell is that on her head.

What would you suggest as alternative?  "This correlates too closely to what is generally considered to be overused"?

I think that's right actually.  I think it'd be interesting though if it was really Broyles, and his actions were in the service of a real or imagined greater good.

If he were a shapeshifter he would be degenerating and shit no? That's still a probs for them, =turncoat

There are two colors in my head.

Well this would be a different Black Universe right?  It's a Dark Amberverse, no?  Passing by the usual "Christ this show is confusing" I'll skip to "Christ this show is awesome."

I for one would like a diagram. I mean, I get it.  But a diagram would be nice.

Interesting - I didn't have so much of a problem on Sam Weiss' answers, it seemed to wrap everything up pretty neatly (or as neatly as it can get).  I remember being underwhelmed the first time through, bu on the second run I had zero issues.  Maybe I'm just drinking too much Fringe-flavored Kool-Aid.

Where IS Kevin Corrigan?  That would just make my day.

That was my second thought, I'm hoping for some crazy shit myself.  I was just surprised they revealed such a plot device.

Holy Crap, Spoilers >>> http://goo.gl/Q534p.  It's the official story details on episode 19.  I didn't think they'd give out such a thing on the official, but it has me excited.

The season one episode with the porcupine guy was not one of my favorites - I even skipped it when I forced my girlfriend get into Fringe.  Here's hoping though.


Was it me or were there blue flashes in the title sequence? Is that new?

Did you do that off the top of your head?  I'm impressed.

That's interesting - the beacon before showed up in a huge explosion, then was stolen by the Rogue guy with the stocking cap.  I wonder if it's a First People artifact.

Excellent, um, observation.  I also liked how both Austrid and Neil did the "saying words as another person says them" trick the Observers use, which sort of hints at what you're saying I think.  For Austrid that is, it's pretty obvious why it happens with Neil.