We also would have accepted "Is not Dustin Diamond."
We also would have accepted "Is not Dustin Diamond."
I love you all.
Spoken like a man with a monocle.
A real Rand app would never heed what the parasites "Like"
I had not one but two priests in the same year of classes who did that. We scared the first one away and the second one had no desire to teach, so we watched these goofy anti-rock videos called "Hell's Bells" and then, in Season Two of lackadaisical priest theater, the complete "Friday."
"Don't get saucy with me, Bernaise!" There, I finally joined an AVC quote thread. It was glorious.
Maybe WHAS?
I heard this and knew it could only be the Maccabees.
No! They exist! When I was a child they put some in me and made me more than human. Your mortal afflictions no longer can touch me, except of course, Jen McCarthy.
"Thanks Michael Bay, you just ruined fucking Christmas!"
How much do you pray to Robot God that he said it as Bender?
I have iterated many times here how good his original oeuvre is
So I'll just say the meaty crunch of "Weasel-Stomping Day" still makes me shiver.
Double reversal! You've unlocked the pretzel bonus!
Yeah, but it would make both the bowling and gut-laughing painful.
Show me a man who doesn't jerk when he's alone and I'll show you an exhibitionist.
I honestly can't tell if this is real or just a gimmick poster. Poe's law, I guess.
I particularly like how he crumples like a bitch when she suckerpunches him, and then continues to stay crumpled like a bitch.
This would be the right place
For a clip of him chasing that girl around the construction site in Cool as Ice.
Hollywood puts every beautiful woman on some mandatory -20 lbs diet and then bleach-bombs their hair even blonder. It's fucking offensive.
This Is the Life
Weird Al's a damned good musician when you get down to it.
I saw it before it got retooled
It was surprisingly awesome. You can't help but cheer for the cast, who are giving it two hundred and fucking ten percent.