Sody Pop

All Fires
Are there any songs on this as good as All Fires? I bought Beast Moans, but found it to be wildly consistent (which obviously wasn't too surprising). Judging by the review, this album has the same issue.

I received the Simpsons season six head-box thing about a year ago, and when I went to the website to exchange the box, it seemed the promotion had ended. So now I'm stuck with that stupid head, and its visible difference from the rest of my Simpsons DVDs kills me inside.

No way, his voice is the best part.

Fond memories
About 7 or 8 years ago, when I was around 16, my mother bought my father the entire Prisoner series on DVD as a birthday present. It had just recently been released on DVD, I think, and each disc was housed in a full-sized DVD case (as opposed to the new DVD versions of the series, which use the thinner