
"Dude, who's playing?"

Fucking Thucydides might make for an interesting sequel premise.

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

Moving got me to do some serious damage to my book collection and made me appreciate eBooks. Mrs. HR and I gave away or donated almost twenty cases of books before we moved house, and still ended up bringing thirty or so along with us. I also left a seven-foot bookshelf triple-stuffed with old paperbacks at my

AWESOME idea for a column. I've said many times I missed features like Noel's Popless…this is right along the lines of why I loved the AVClub of olde.

That's the one! I never saw any of the robots anywhere…and damn did I look when I was a kid.

I had that one…still do, somewhere. It might be worth money, even if the tail of the red one snapped off in the armhole.

Lion Voltron jumped the shark when the princess replaced Sven.

or secret lovers.

Those precision-edged GameScience jobs…yow.

…until you got old enough to get a job with disposable income.

But they can recommend you a really, really nice coloring book.

Guns = bad, don't'cha know.

The Legos reek of destruction due to smelly feet.

It's a trial for a new feature called, "Fuck You, AVClub Readers!"

I've got to get to a wiki, FAST.

And we all know Apple people are the worst.

I let my top 5 be decided by Pitchfork.

It honestly chokes me up every time I listen (especially "Lazarus" and "Dollar Days"), but I can't help queuing it up again and again. It's just such a unique and challenging album even outside of its context. Fucking masterpiece.

So I get the tribal scars on my cheeks and a kiss from a rose? Awesome!