
Charles Bukowski deserves a gateway.

That's bull, but it's a good excuse. Crash was a terrible movie. 'No, you're looking at it all wrong. It's a comedy.' Ohhh, well in that case, what a film! True Blood sucks and calling it a comedy isn't going to change anything. I didn't laugh at all, not once. So therefore, it has failed. And if you watch the HBO

"Damn you Bill Compton, I love you." Vom. Truth.
Seriously, I don't see the appeal for this show at all. I tried to get into it because vampires are pretty bad ass, but True Blood absolutely sucks. I'm not going to for a pun or anything, this show just really sucks and is a naked, drugged up version of Twilight.

Burn Eddie

what about gallo?
how did he do?

and for the most part, it shall go unnoticed.


this music sucks

i'd hang out
with the beach boys and their beards

this is a great av talk

you would, dr. platypus

"Infected," you just had a Freudian slip there.
Alright buddy, sorry we can't all go to London to pursue our acting careers in seven different languages.

that was

don't start with
infinite jest. that book smacked me in the face.

June 25: I [Heart] Huckabees

Haha. Obama.

i remember
reading the comments to this review, which got a B-. Everyone was like, "Fuck this guy." But now that it's kinda old and considered a Secret Success, everyone abide.

Alan Moore
that dude is probably right about a lot of things.

old news, buddy. old news.

From this review
This movie sounds awesome. On Demand Rental, woo.