Old Man Foot Race

Can you imagine what it'll be like when she gets voted out? I can't wait. A hurricane of crazy, irrational threats.

Probably cause he wasn't talking in whatever language Roxy was.

Probably cause he wasn't talking in whatever language Roxy was.

Whew. I thought I was gonna have to be the downer. Thanks for falling on that sword.

Whew. I thought I was gonna have to be the downer. Thanks for falling on that sword.

I think that's Tim Tebow on the right.

I think that's Tim Tebow on the right.

"Next week, on Betty White's 'Off Their Rockers'…"

"Next week, on Betty White's 'Off Their Rockers'…"

Beach Dicks!

Beach Dicks!

Welcome back, crazy!

Welcome back, crazy!

Well, you're not the CEO of Booty, after all!

Well, you're not the CEO of Booty, after all!

I wish it was something Kat had said last season.

I wish it was something Kat had said last season.

Never change.

Never change.

I've driven that stop once before. I was waved though. Now, the border stop on the way back from Laredo, they're real question-y.