David Thiel

I found both of their initial responses pretty reasonable. Leonard doesn't tell Penny about the flirting because he fears it might be misconstrued; Penny is bothered because he doesn't tell her. (And, as was pointed out later, she's insecure about Alex's relative smarts.) Both of those things seem like real things

The thing that I especially appreciated about this episode? That the whole "Alex has a crush on Leonard" thing wasn't dragged out into a multi-episode arc full of temptations, misunderstandings, recriminations and slamming doors. Leonard and Penny responded to the situation like actual adults: talking through things

I grew up in the pre-VCR era, when classic movies were regularly re-released in theaters. I was with my folks at a James Bond double-feature, watching "Goldfinger." When Honor Blackman said, "My name is Pussy Galore," it was a moment of revelation. I finally got the joke.

I grew up in the pre-VCR era, when classic movies were regularly re-released in theaters. I was with my folks at a James Bond double-feature, watching "Goldfinger." When Honor Blackman said, "My name is Pussy Galore," it was a moment of revelation. I finally got the joke.

In my world, the perfect ending to HIMYM wouldn't have been Marshall delivering the final slap…it would've been Future Marshall slapping Future Barney, then saying "That's four." I like the idea of the final slap left hanging forever.

In my world, the perfect ending to HIMYM wouldn't have been Marshall delivering the final slap…it would've been Future Marshall slapping Future Barney, then saying "That's four." I like the idea of the final slap left hanging forever.

"It would be easier to come up with examples of the rare Dick Van Dyke episode that’s a dud (there’s a strong consensus for those)"

"It would be easier to come up with examples of the rare Dick Van Dyke episode that’s a dud (there’s a strong consensus for those)"

JoeD80, that's not what JMS was saying when the switchover to Sheridan actually happened. I was on rec.arts.b5.whatever back then. As I wrote earlier, that was the reason I began to develop serious doubts about what we were being told. If the record now shows that he was going around saying "writing is fluid" at the

JoeD80, that's not what JMS was saying when the switchover to Sheridan actually happened. I was on rec.arts.b5.whatever back then. As I wrote earlier, that was the reason I began to develop serious doubts about what we were being told. If the record now shows that he was going around saying "writing is fluid" at the

Except that the deaths themselves were rendered very, very hilarious. It turns out that sound effects and music hide a LOT of overacting.

Except that the deaths themselves were rendered very, very hilarious. It turns out that sound effects and music hide a LOT of overacting.

I was a big B5 booster from the pre-pilot stage, but the moment that I realized I was being sold a bill of goods was when JMS employed the "I meant to do that" defense. Contrary to take5's assertion, JMS was very adamant at the time that the switchover to Sheridan was intentional, not a studio-mandated cast change.

I was a big B5 booster from the pre-pilot stage, but the moment that I realized I was being sold a bill of goods was when JMS employed the "I meant to do that" defense. Contrary to take5's assertion, JMS was very adamant at the time that the switchover to Sheridan was intentional, not a studio-mandated cast change.

Okay, what the hell is up with the jellybean thing? Somebody makes this joke every frickin' week. I feel like I need an episode guide to the AV Club comments.

No, "Nemesis" had a whole weekend to itself before "Two Towers" hit the following Wednesday. The film that (barely) beat "Nemesis" for the #1 slot? "Maid in Manhattan."

I'm looking forward to the discussion of "Nemesis," if only to understand exactly why people here hate it so much. I honestly don't understand. It's not a great movie, and it's a pretty bald attempt at remaking "Khan" (as is the 2009 reboot film to a lesser extent), but I've seen my share of truly bad flicks and

Whenever young Alexander showed up, I couldn't help but think of Sylvester the Cat's son. "Oh, Father!"

“Do you think I should move out? All these ghost popes keep trying to kill my demon baby!”
The whole Catholic rant had me guffawing, but this line absolutely killed me. I am now haunting my own house.

"Wesley Crusher haters: you’ll learn why Gene Roddenberry had little time for your griping before this documentary is over."