
Yeah but apparently he only started going to the scientology center because he heard it was a good place to pick up women, which makes me like him more.

True story In tenth grade high school band, we played the entire score from the phantom menace. Had the whole orchestra. Our band teacher was an old school nerd.

My favorite Rick Ross moment is on the DJ Khalid cribs where he's chilling in the the home studio.  He gives a quick "freestyle" which must have been made up of all obscenities because the entire thing is bleeped out.

According to a Vibe magazine i read 10 years ago, When you take ecstasy you can't get it up anymore. Hence the classy name "sextasy".

Lets takes this time to discuss the fact that Michael Cimino was the original director for the original Footloose.  How would that have turned out…

I think on a whole the Wire is still the better show (because who really cares about Marie shoplifting) but this season might be better than a single Wire season. This season of Breaking Bad was def better than 1,2 and 5 f the Wire. Maybe better than 3 and really close to 4.

If this season gives us one thing, it's that Tyrus needs to get got. I hate that guy.

We have to be that way. We got a a Mac when I was 11 because I used to watch late night informercials for Performas. I took an inordinate amount of shit for this. Well look at us now. Unless you're a nerd, you probably want a Mac, and even if you are are nerd you probably want one too…

It's been 30 minutes and I still haven't calmed down…

I used to go to a bar in college that played that oar song too and what always shocked me was that it was so popular and sooooo long. Its almost 20 minutes or something. Still the bartenders knew exactly when to turn it down and everyone would shout one of the lyrics

I thought it was great that they teased the badass "Walt walking away as the car explodes," only to have a 52k tab as a result…

Aren't EMI, Universal, Sony, and Warner the only catalogs that people would likely care about?

I've seen Belly maybe two or three times, and it wasnt until the last time that I realized that the that they were out in nebraska or some shit. That movie made no god damn sense. Who was the Jamaican guy? What was the point of the one love rip-off? Damn you hype williams.

Heres a question no ones bothered to ask…
Why were they all in the same airport shuttle? I'd like to believe that even with a little bit of celebrity that someone could have hooked them up with a town car or something.

Smurfs vs Cowboys and Aliens
I would watch The Smurfs a million times before I would watch Cowboys and Aliens and I would watch a Smurfs sequel a million times before I would watch Cowboys and Aliens.

I've been rewatching it for the third time recently on Netflix and Henry/Kasey is still great

The merchandise revenue alone on this will fund the next half-dozen masterpieces Pixar turns out…

I dislike Reasonable Doubt, it hasn't aged well…

Off topic but does anyone remember Ninja Turtles Hostess Pies with the green filling?

Just to get it on the record, but three is the best movie…