
President Obama cares that some young, drunk rapper no one has ever heard of yet dissed him??

"Uh-oh, the NATO base has 'unexpectedly' been overrun by zombies! I guess we better lock up all the defenseless civilians in a PITCH BLACK room and then leave them there, UNGUARDED." Also…what was with all the shoving of thumbs in someone's eye sockets until they died of agony and blood loss and shrieking? Etc. I

Why is every character Terrence Howard plays so aggressively unlikeable? And why are they usually unlikeable for similar reasons: vain, greedy, violent temper, homophobic, abusive mentally or physically, etc? Does he always just decide to play himself? This show seems to have several promising elements, but its harder

This supposed to be an episode review, not an episode summary, yo!

Possibly the most overrated movie of the last decade. It's basically an extraordinarily pretentious movie about awful people being awful and then competing with each other to see who can have a sudden change of heart in the most predictable and contrived fashion possible. As a liberal, I'm pretty ashamed that