World Famous Demagogue

I hate you.

I think the joke's really on your co-worker there.

Grown-Ups 2 is actually a 90 min. Vietnam flashback processed through Spade's Agent Orange-addled mind.

Look at the furrow of his brow. It's like I'm feeling bad, but for another person. Also, that picture looks like it was taken with an iPhone's front facing camera. Guy Fieri's iPhone.

Lucille says they need to start construction of the wall, or make it seem like they've started construction, to trigger the government payment that was originally going to Sitwell. They needed Love against the wall so they wouldn't have to finish it. So, if they fake the wall, they get money for doing nothing, and the

It's like their development isn't going forward or something.

Yeah, film is dead. Everyone's getting into those Internet companies now.

Oh, I thought he fell out of a tree and died. Oh well. I guess I missed that. Stupid, forgetful me.

Not really random, he worked at GOB's bee farm and died, unfortunately for him.


What about Young Barry Zuckercorn? The best fucking attorneys.

"The season doesn’t build toward a moment of catharsis."

Hey, Kyle Ryan, fellow Strake Jesuit alumnus here. I failed Latin and was part of the debate team during my time there. My friends compared me to Max for that reason though I had know idea what they were really talking about until I finally saw Rushmore in college. Anyway, cool story bro and all that. This was an

Hey, Kyle Ryan, fellow Strake Jesuit alumnus here. I failed Latin and was part of the debate team during my time there. My friends compared me to Max for that reason though I had know idea what they were really talking about until I finally saw Rushmore in college. Anyway, cool story bro and all that. This was an

@facebook-629793026:disqus  , Hitler was a super-racist who committed genocide. I am a college student who wrote 2000+ words on why stereotyping is bad. I argued this using this not-real picture of Hitler in 3D glasses. You say that none of this matters because of this original sin.

Hey, @facebook-629793026:disqus , you big dummy! My avatar comes from this AV Club article: http://www.avclub.com/artic… which is a celebrated photoshop work by Sean O'Neal. I chose it to provide a little internal consistency between my username and profile picture! It is funny because Hitler never saw a 3D movie!

I'm actually glad you responded the way you did, @avclub-0e5906ed4eb4acb3d339bf2c0915cc91:disqus , because it allows me to crystallize the the larger points that have been addressed here. I summarize your response to me the following way: to call an act or actor racist is a powerful statement, and that term should be

You and Anil Dash agree on one point. They did not intend to make an overtly racist ad. All parties involved seem to agree on this point. In fact, the issue isn't whether or not the ad is racially motivated, rather how the ad engages race as a topic for humor. I argue that while the creators of this ad did not intend

Sean Penn & Friends? Ha!

Also, isn't NBC the network with the unicorn now?