Mrs Gods Instant Pancakes

The old inventories often tried to make some sort of argument, even if it was a weak or tenuous one, or tried to make somewhat more interesting or novel associations. Now it's pretty much "here's 23 songs that mention animals," "here's 14 movies about cars," "here's 16+ TV shows whose names began with the letter 'M'."

To be fair, that's exactly how Britta was presented for the first couple episodes - as the "voice of reason" character/ethical foil to Jeff. Then she became Jeff's romantic interest, and then she became the cliche campus activist, and then she became the incompetent one who always does everything wrong, and then she

Don broods, smokes silently

Seriously. After everything from Odelay to Midnite Vultures to Sea Change to Modern Guilt, why would One Foot In The Grave be the standard for judging new stuff from Beck? That's like listening to a new Radiohead song and saying "Yes, but is it like Pablo Honey?"

Yippie-ki-yay, maggot farmer!

"It's telling that, even after Walt confesses to letting Jane die, Jesse still refers to Walt as his partner."

This sort of characterization is epidemic in pop culture. Call it the stupid person's idea of what a smart person is like.

The first two acts or so of The Invention of Lying is pretty decent; then it turns into a weirdly-straightforward romcom about a very awkward ugly man who wants to get into the pants of a Eugenics-loving Nazi, only somehow less fun than that sounds.

I'm pretty sure that was the backstory in The Element of Crime.

She said no such thing.


God, this comment section. If there is anything less attractive than a bunch of white nerds, it's a bunch of entitled white nerds. You don't own someone just because you paid some money, assholes - and you don't have the right to treat them like shit just because you paid for a ticket. Christ on a fucking sandwich.

Oh, fuck off.

Holy Robin, sidekick of God, blessed are you among teenagers…

Oh my god. If you disagree with his assessment of the film, fine. But please, do not feed the beast of American anti-intellectualism by advancing the notion that any word that has more than two syllables in it is "pretentious."

Least sexy sex scene ever. All I can think of when I see that is, "that's got to be cold and hurty."

I totally agree - the imperialists end up fleeing, insane and dead. Any anti-imperialist should be able to appreciate it.

He'll fix it in the special special edition. Quick voice overdub: "Whoops, guys, changed my mind! I love my kid now, and I'm heading back to earth!"

The Taliban is not "primarily Pakistani." It's primarily Pashtun,and Pashtun ethnic representation crosses borders from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Yes, the Pakistani ISI funded the Pashtun fighters who went on to become the Taliban - but the ISI did so with money from the United States. As far as al Qaeda goes, you're

…He fixes the cable?