Mrs Gods Instant Pancakes

Others have pointed out the Tailwind thing, but in fact, the US government can and does use chemical weapons - like white phosporous, for example - a lot, and supplies them to allies to use as well (Israel and Saudi Arabia, for instance).

John Goodman is great in everything he's in, even if it's shit (see: The West Wing).

But it's not a high liberal fantasy because it's reporting on objective facts. It's a high liberal fantasy because it assumes that if everyone behaved like a moderate liberal Democrat, everything would be peachy.

Not gonna speculate on whether Rusty's dead or not, but in the Halloween special, they pretty much came out and said that the cloning technique was developed by Jonas, Rusty, and Ben. In practice that probably means Jonas and Ben doing all the heavy lifting, though.

@PaulKinsey:disqus "My issue is with Snowden releasing information about our spying tactics to the Chinese"

@avclub-792b765aa995daf26cf6f17f519c949d:disqus Right, you just live in a sham democracy famous for killing journalists - and for prosecuting the journalists who publish stories about how the other journalists were killed.

The "Bowie-as-supervillain" thing was funny as a lark for a few episodes, but it's not the kind of joke that can hold up season after season. I was happy with the retcon, since it meant the show could actually use the Guild as villains without having to resort to Bowie gags all the time.

I, for one, don't mind if they turn out to be fuck-ups. I like my Ventureverse replete with fuck-ups (I liked Phantom Limb a lot better once he was regularly talking to a coffee mug and a shoe).

I parsed that as "Van Pelt, the Hunter for Halloween" and thought it was a gritty reboot of Peanuts.

Ted is an asshole for fucking around on his wife and kids, yeah. But Peggy isn't some completely uninterested third party, standing on the sidelines, going "ho hum, I would like some sex with this person here, and oh look they just happen to have a spouse and kids." She's actively rooting for Ted to dump his family,

World War Ampersand

How much more black could you get? None. None more black.

Ehh - I really didn't buy that post-earthquake issue. It was like, "Sure, Superman, you're all super and all - but don't you get it? Gotham's too GLOOMY for you! GLOOMY! You can't handle the GLOOM!" And Supes is like, "Shucks, y'got me there, I guess I'll take my near-godlike powers and huff off, then."

Incredibly fucking depressing.

So it's about a retarded snowman?

That's gold, bonghits! Gold!

There's clearly a subspecies of dog people who are kept as slaves by the rest of the ambulatory, talking animal folk of the Disneyverse. Presumably Pluto was lobotomized as a child, like the rest of his people, to keep him in line. Mickey's world is a hellish dystopia.

Hey, did anyone already mention that Justice League had been reviewed?

Maybe he's Spanish from Spain!

It doesn't play out with the requisite gravity because we haven't established that killing is contrary to Superman's character - and we haven't established that killing is contrary to Superman's character because the film hasn't managed to establish Superman's character. It's an origin story, and it concludes with him