Mrs Gods Instant Pancakes

We can say that right now; we don't have to wait.

Are you telling me you wouldn't watch The Real Housewives of Mogadishu?

Yeah, seriously. I don't really give a shit about you, ex-Confederate soldier, unless every episode ends with you getting the shit kicked out of you by a group of pissed-off former slaves.

Some of my best friends are black people who listen to Muse.

Anyway, the more time I spend with human beings, the more convinced I am that pretty much any other species has more right to be alive on this planet than we do.

I Like Meat is right. People are blowing this out of proportion, but hey, that's what people do.

Are we putting "fond of" in quotes here?

Quitely is as much the author of All-Star Superman as Morrison is, and that story is tied pretty damn tightly to both Quitely's art and the comic book format in particular (think of all of Quitely's visual gags, especially in the Lex Luthor/prison issue - there's really no way to adequately translate that into

Doom Patrol has not aged well. Lots of gee-whiz gimmicky ideas, but Morrison's dialogue is pretty awful for much of the series, and he runs into full-on logorrhea whenever he uses captions. Animal Man is probably the best of Morrison's pre-00s work, with Seaguy, We3 and The Filth as his all-time best series. (I like


Dave Chapelle doesn't owe me or you or anybody else anything.

"Aliens" was and is a cheesy, overblown action movie, and the first major disappointment in the series; I never cared much when its supporting cast was killed off in the next movie. "Alien3" is incredibly underrated; I appreciated the attempt to return to the darker, more claustrophobic atmosphere of the first movie,

I've no idea why there aren't more women around here.

Meanwhile, Bill Finger's relatives are just plain fucked.

Seriously and unironically: Mumia Abu-Jamal was fucked over by a crooked system that's set up to fuck over poor people and minorities. And I really don't give a shit who kills cops - those people are motherfuckers, and deserve whatever they get.

Oh, and this link is a better one to point to regarding Fairey's plagiarism:

Isn't the majority of Shepard Fairey's art, at this point, represented not by stuff painted on the walls of buildings, but by stuff sold on mass-produced t-shirts and posters and commissioned works? At what point does he lose the label "street artist"?

Sorry, Neon, it stopped being cool to hate on the Decemberists several albums ago; now it's merely passe. Better get on the retro-liking-them-again bandwagon before you lose your hipster cred.

There aren't nearly as many songs about rape in the Decemberists' catalog as people seem to think.

The Decemberists cook you up an awesomely over-the-top rock opera, and you slag it on the internet behind a coward's pseud0nym, sir?