Mrs Gods Instant Pancakes

I hear you there, Bill. I kind of liked his Iron Man stuff for a while, but then I realized that was just because I hate Iron Man, and I liked seeing Tony Stark turn into Lenny from Of Mice And Men. His X-Men run was dull, dull, dull, dull, dull; I tried his run on Thor for three issues and it was all stupid people,

That elephant wants a falafel.

Nothing, Geddy. Each episode ends with the new person hanging themselves quietly in the background while Regis and Kathy Lee talk excitedly about their upcoming projects.

What about those pants that aren't sexy at all, but just have words like "juicy" printed on the ass?

It feels like Marvel went "we don't need no more big crossovers!" after Siege, and then looked at how their numbers did, and then went "Oh shit, we need another big crossover! Who's coming out with a movie? How 'bout a thing where Captain America gets punched with a Thor-hammer!"

Sorry I banned you from the AV Club.

Sex with scars that look like orifices - HOTT

A question for the Archmage: do dungeon dragons actually roar (roar), or do they, like forest dragons, largely communicate via a series of tweets, chirps, and lively chatterings?

What do you know? You're a gross aging internet dweeb posting on the AV Club bitching about which Hollywood starlet you'd rather have pretend-sex with.

They should've kept going with Michael until the series finale, in which he bludgeons Erin to death with a golf club in a HILARIOUSLY inept attempt to be zany, and Jim knowingly smirks at the camera.

I know a guy who knows a guy who roomed with this other dude who used to have a friend who swears he knew a guy who lived across the street from this guy whose cousin once masturbated to a grainy videotape of Bigfoot.

Fuck The Office
Michael Scott will be the first of the bourgeoisie against the wall when the revolution comes.

I hate broccoli on pizza and late Simpsons episodes. I HAVE A HATE LIST!

(For people who don't know who Derrick Jensen is, he's an anarcho-primitivist who believes that civilization should be violently destroyed for the good of humanity and the environment; that's why he takes the time to attack pacifism on a regular basis. His critique of civilization is worth taking a look at, although

That Gandhi quote is bullshit, and people have called Jensen on it before, but he keeps quoting it because part of his project is to disavow pacifism - which he doesn't really manage to do; he just makes ad hom attacks on Gandhi… similar to attacking the civil rights movement by pointing out that MLK slept around.

Mr. Shore Patrol, we have received your scriptment for 24: The Movie: The 24ening, and we like it. We like it a lot.

Sasha Baron Cohen is a racist asshole. Fortunately, he's mostly racist towards Arabs, who don't count, so hey, go to town!

Pitchfork is not "fine." Pitchfork is shit. Shit, shit, shit.

Sorkin is not smart.

Now you're the only one here who can tell me if it's true… that you love me, and I love me.