
@avclub-2699a553580f039ce51cb742ed676ad2:disqus You're right about the success rate but, once more, no one's claiming that it's "voodoo math." They very blatantly and explicitly state their methods and how their index is created simply from comparing 18-49 ratings.

I didn't know J. K. Simmons was going to make a guest appearance so that was a surprise for me. I love Simmons and he was good here with what he had to work with. I wish they could've given him a bit more to do though since it felt like a bit like a waste. The fact that he played such a one-off character didn't help

I feel the exact same way. Chang is now at the point for me where I can no longer stand him. For better or worse, it's just a natural reaction no matter what he's doing.

I'm not the biggest fan of TVBTN (their community…), and sorry if I'm a bit of dick here guys, but they do go to decent lengths to explain their methodology and reasoning. They're not fooling anyone, or trying to. They fully admit upfront that there are a large variety of other factors that are taken into

@avclub-57fcde0e1e570f34863aa8c7b9d9f5d7:disqus , there was a reason for that. Body of Proof was selected for a 7 million dollar tax credit if they filmed season 2 in Los Angeles instead of Rhode Island.

Holy shit this episode was filled with amazing lines. Such fantastic voice work.

I went down backwards. …no I didn't.

She reunited with Kelley in the series finale of Harry's Law, playing the same character (Renee Raddick). Her first acting role since she left ER and Ally McBeal, I believe.

@avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus It's not gone, it's actually been renewed for a seventh season, @avclub-60ac1337dd425567f906179964e55e96:disqus was just referring to the coverage of it on here being stopped.

I'd like some opinions on Sons of Anarchy, actually. I still don't know whether to start watching it. My roommate, who has extremely similar television tastes to me, has just started watching it. He's about four or five episodes in and says that he's enjoying it.

"This must be the reason why it was so low-rated, there were no tits. The solution is simple - no more series like this ever again! Tits for all!"



'Lem' is actually derived from his surname - Lemansky. His first name was Curtis.

It's a… silent love.

I'm just waiting for Bob's Burgers to finally go up. Taking forever.

For British eyes only!

Fair enough. I haven't watched the episode so I'm not sure how Tina Fey sounds but that was my initial take on it. Rereading it now though, I see your point.

Robert said that she *didn't* sound like a stressed-out Liz Lemon.

I knew Malory was going to follow with "Ask Brett!" Still found it funny but unfortunately I didn't laugh. Plenty of other things to laugh at though! Great episode.