
Pop, pop!

Pop, pop!



Might be the first time Mandy Patinkin has stayed on past two seasons - an achievement in its own right.

Might be the first time Mandy Patinkin has stayed on past two seasons - an achievement in its own right.

Why? Not to appear rude or accusatory, that's a genuine question. Maybe the reality that it's operating in a is a mix of real world and fiction, is that the reason why it doesn't work for you? Why does it have to be entirely one or the other when the premise is already fictional characters in a real-like world?

Why? Not to appear rude or accusatory, that's a genuine question. Maybe the reality that it's operating in a is a mix of real world and fiction, is that the reason why it doesn't work for you? Why does it have to be entirely one or the other when the premise is already fictional characters in a real-like world?

I figured the same thing but the logo doesn't appear on my DVD version (Kenneth appears to be looking at nothing) so I don't know what's going on there.

I figured the same thing but the logo doesn't appear on my DVD version (Kenneth appears to be looking at nothing) so I don't know what's going on there.

Thing is though, 88 seems to be the new mark to hit for syndication rather than 100. If the ratings stay too low, even for NBC, they could pull the plug after this season and still have syndication numbers.

Thing is though, 88 seems to be the new mark to hit for syndication rather than 100. If the ratings stay too low, even for NBC, they could pull the plug after this season and still have syndication numbers.

I can see how it could be classified as a "spoiler" since it's knowledge from a century ago about people that most aren't familiar with at all. I think you're getting too caught up in the definition as well as the fact that it's a fictional series portraying these characters.

I can see how it could be classified as a "spoiler" since it's knowledge from a century ago about people that most aren't familiar with at all. I think you're getting too caught up in the definition as well as the fact that it's a fictional series portraying these characters.

I think it's a bit hard to tell but that may have been done purposefully. Her initial reaction isn't shock so much but more putting two and two together. She looks at Quinn's men and realises they all listened in which she is sort of surprised at.

I noticed it too, definitely sounded like she had a cold or something.

I noticed it too, definitely sounded like she had a cold or something.

I wonder sometimes if Terence Winter regrets that "half a gangster" line. It made a great point at the time as a way of introducing Nucky but now, especially as the line was in the pilot, it seems a lot of people just harp on about it to define the series, citing it as a flaw.

I wonder sometimes if Terence Winter regrets that "half a gangster" line. It made a great point at the time as a way of introducing Nucky but now, especially as the line was in the pilot, it seems a lot of people just harp on about it to define the series, citing it as a flaw.

I very much appreciate these reviews but sometimes these small mistakes really take me out of it. I don't know if the show's too fast paced or you're just too tired when writing this up or a combination of both or something else entirely.