Diatribe Called Quest

Bologna 2012

hope I am too. let me know!

Agreed. So many good episodes to choose from but yeah, I've yet to laugh at anything as hard as "I've waited my entire life to say this exact phrase, 'I'm commandeering this airboat!" or "Burt Reynolds is my spirit guide".

Yeah! I agree the new album is pretty good stuff. They're playing near me soon as well but unfortunately the show is already sold out.

But I took 6 years of Spanish in middle/high school AND another 2 years in college. PLUS I had a stopover in Madrid's airport once. So there!

we'll all be heavy drinkers too in 500 years, reminiscing fondly about the good old days as the world's sole hegemonic power…

I'd agree Mexican Spanish is more colorful. But more formal? Going to have to disagree there given Mexican Spanish's lack of usage of 'vosotros'.

I have a guilty softspot for a lot of indie "bedroom pop" bands a la Cloud Nothings or Youth Lagoon but I really have no interest in seeing any of them live. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but it just seems like it'd be so boring.

As a DC hipster, trust me, I knew about this before you did.

Just wait another 5 years

anybody up for an after-dinner omelet?

Møøse Choreographed by HORST PROT III

To the contrary, it pleases me to see so little care and attention put into the manipulation of that photograph.

exactly. I like to think the AV Club staff spends as LITTLE TIME POSSIBLE doing google image searches for newswire articles. It adds to the funny/irreverence/snarkiness of it, at least in my own head. Plus it's how we get gems like the Ratner "the big butt book" photo, etc.

I will take it!!!



I think the fact that it's regional IMPLIES it's sectional.


Hey thanks! I feel so validated!