Otto Parts

@avclub-f9dc5c1b905401733b9aaf49c03c071d:disqus the reason the score was so catchy, is that it is the EXACT SAME THING that he used in Star Trek II-Wrath of Khan.  Which is bullshit. The producers of Krull should've cut him a check for 10 cents, because that's probably the amount of work he did on the score.

HBO ran the hell out of this waaaaay back in the day. Which is why they were, and still are awesome.

HBO ran the hell out of this waaaaay back in the day. Which is why they were, and still are awesome.

Bullshit! Adrien Grenier IS Aquaman!

Bullshit! Adrien Grenier IS Aquaman!

YOU FIND THAT MAN! FIND that man! find that man…

YOU FIND THAT MAN! FIND that man! find that man…

But, did he play Sun City?

But, did he play Sun City?

Yeah, come on 80's white guys!  Be original!  Elvis Presley was stealing music from black people decades ago.

Yeah, come on 80's white guys!  Be original!  Elvis Presley was stealing music from black people decades ago.

Makes perfect sense to me. By the way, have we found those weapons that Saddam was hiding?

Makes perfect sense to me. By the way, have we found those weapons that Saddam was hiding?

Rolling around with that full-on, fur bearing animal may indeed feel like rolling around in hay.

Rolling around with that full-on, fur bearing animal may indeed feel like rolling around in hay.

Are you kidding?!? He was always foiling Gilbert Grape's attempts at a normal life.  Just when Gilbert thought he could hang out with a girl…BAM! Arnie's up on that damn water tower again.

Are you kidding?!? He was always foiling Gilbert Grape's attempts at a normal life.  Just when Gilbert thought he could hang out with a girl…BAM! Arnie's up on that damn water tower again.

Forget it, blondie, it's the internet. Now, if you don't mind, I'll go back to being an oppressive misogynist and you can go back in the kitchen. I'll have a reuben, thanks.

Forget it, blondie, it's the internet. Now, if you don't mind, I'll go back to being an oppressive misogynist and you can go back in the kitchen. I'll have a reuben, thanks.

Yet another thing Layne can't do right. He offs himself in dramatic fashion, but that only nets a B+ at the AVClub.